Chapter 1

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"Everything is set for you to bring our guest over." Elizabeth warmly smiled, handing him a packed lunchbox. Despite only having known the old woman for two days, she had been nothing but warm and welcoming to him.

In fact, everyone he'd met upon his arrival had been nothing short of hospitable. With each person he interacted with, it became clearer to Vincent why Harper had spoken so fondly of the farm.

"What's this?" The alpha questioned, slightly shaking the container.

"It's a roast beef sandwich for the road. You didn't have breakfast this morning." Her tone sounded a bit scolding which prompted the man to smile sheepishly. The woman reminded him of his mother. "I also packed you a juice box."

"Thank you, Elizabeth." Vincent knew he wouldn't be able to take a single bite of it but he appreciated the gesture regardless. "Oh! Before I forget, can you also make sure that there is nobody around when we come? I don't know how Nine will react to seeing so many people."

"Of course."

"Also the doctors should be here any minute-"

"Vincent." The old woman interrupted him, "Everything will be fine."

The alpha sighed, lowering his head tiredly, "Thank you. For everything I mean... and I'm sorry for intruding on your space like this."

Elizabeth rolled her blue eyes accompanied by an exasperated huff, "Stop with the nonsense, please. It's an honor for us to be there for another person in their second chance at life."

"I can't help but feel guilty for micromanaging you in your own home."

He was bringing a feral wolf onto the farm. A feral wolf who had no experience with life outside of lab walls. Vincent didn't know anything about him other than what was noted on the reports, even the scientists who'd personally dealt with him wouldn't be able to tell what he'd be like now. According to his file, Nine had been in complete isolation for close to a year now. What would that do to a shifter? What would that do to an already feral shifter?

"We want to do anything we can to help him feel more comfortable and situated here."

"You understand that Nine might be... a little more different than Harper, right?" Vincent pressed, trying to make sure the woman understood what she had agreed to.

"I do, honey and it doesn't make me feel any different. The employees also understand and we've given the more concerned ones a break for the next two weeks."

"I-I don't... I can't thank you enough, Elizabeth."

"Stop thanking me and go find Harper. He's been moping around here somewhere." Elizabeth chuckled though the sadness in her eyes was unmistakable.

The woman had been reunited with the boy after four years of no contact and she'd found him heartbroken. Harper's misery rolled off of him in waves, overwhelming everyone around him with the heaviness in his heart.

"I'll find him before I leave." Vincent smiled, then held up the lunchbox, "Thank you for this."

The alpha ran away before the woman could chastise him about thanking her once again. A sudden collision of a smaller body with his made him stumble over, almost taking down the person who crashed into him with him.

"I-I'm sorry!" Harper's voice squeaked.

Vincent sighed and steadied the boy before stepping away from him, "Are you alright?"

The boy nodded lightly, "Are you leaving now?"

"Yes, I accidentally called the doctor in too early so I have to pick him up as soon as I can."

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