Reunion And The Orange Haired Girl

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Y/N can be seen standing around the market area.

Y/N:' Today's the day that Subaru and Emilia come back to Lugunica. Hmm should I let the canon event go on or should I interrupt in the Royal Selection meeting, I need to think this through'.

Y/N then looks at Zarestia who was playing with Plum. Y/N met Plum while they were walking Plum recognized him in the first glance. Plum then looks at Zarestia she was amazed by her beauty and asks if she could play, At first Zarestia refuses but Plum then uses her special move.

Puppy eyes.

Not even Zarestia can win against that.

Y/N:' I never expected Sloth if story line would be canon in this world. . . . . . On second though I should Have expected that when I saw Adelheid'.

Zarestia then interrupts Y/N though and says.

Zarestia: You been spacing out for a while, are you tensed about how Felt would act in the meeting?.

Y/N: Y-Yeah kinda.

Zarestia was about to say something but was interrupted by certain scary eyes boy shouting. Y/N then looks towards where the voice came from.

He already knew who it was.

Subaru: Its been a long time since I was here!. By the way Emilia-tan.

Yep you all know.

Subaru and Emilia are holding hands.

Subaru and Emilia are holding hands

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(Dark: Holding hands, How lewd.)

Subaru: What's this all about?.

Emilia: Knowing you, you'll go off and do something weird if I leave you alone.

Y/N: You are right about that Emilia-san.

Subaru and Emilia then turn back and are shocked when they see Y/N and Zarestia.

Subaru: Y/N!, Its been such a Long time ,how are you doing man?.

Y/N: Me well I am doing just fine... But I got to ask *Teasing smile* what's the problem holding hands with her thought you would like it?.

Subaru then blushes.

Subaru: HEY I WAS NOT PREPARED FOR THIS *Turns to Emilia* And Emilia-tan can we stop this?.

Emilia: Absolutely not!, You almost fell of the dragon carriage Subaru!.

Y/N:* Deadpans* For real Subaru?.

Subaru: In my defence I was enjoying the carriage ride, Like come on fantasy world and not enjoying the carriage? that's a huge no no.

While Y/N and Subaru were chatting Emilia was staring at Zarestia, At first glance itself she could tell that Zarestia was a great spirit. As both of them were staring at each other A small light starts to materialize above Emilia, The light then takes a form of a grey cat. It was Puck he then talked with a serious voice.

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