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Everything about tonight is tinged with an intense tone and powerful feelings I've never experienced before. The emotion pouring off of her is heavy. It's as if she's opening up her heart, letting me see all the sadness and hurt inside so I can do what little I can to ease her pain by being with her, holding her in my arms, touching her and letting her feel me.

As her cold fingers move up the bare skin of my stomach, I shiver under her touch but don't move away. Instead I lean into her more, kissing her thoroughly and taking my time with my tongue as it slowly dances its way around with hers. I'm still cradling her face in my hands, holding it as delicately as if she were made of glass.

I want to be tender with her, careful. I don't want to push too hard or be too much. I want to be what she needs without worrying about what I need. And she's already told me what she needs—me.

So when I feel her fingers dig into my sides deeply, a moan full of need escaping from her lips and onto mine, I know it's time to take this somewhere more comfortable. As I kneel down in front of her, sliding my hands down her legs the whole way, I lift up each of her feet and take her boots off. Tracing my way back up her legs with my hands, I kick off my own shoes before lifting her up into my arms so her legs are wrapped around my waist, her arms around my neck.

I carefully make my way up the unfamiliar flight of stairs, to where a whole bedroom suite takes up the entire upper floor. The bed is a roomy king, and I carefully set Harper down on her feet at the foot of it, waiting to follow her lead. She reaches up and takes my face in her hands, her fingers reveling in the rough pricking of my beard. I can't help but smile down at her, and my heart swells with emotion as she smiles back.

Her hands move down my face, along the sides of my neck to the sleeves of my jacket, where she tugs it off and gently tosses it aside. I'm perfectly still as her hands find the hem of my blood-stained shirt next, and I lift my arms up and over my head to make it easier for her.

She pauses for a moment, letting her hands run over the bare length of my torso—from my abs, over my pecs, up to my shoulders and back down again. The bright winter moonlight streaming through the window casts us in an ethereal glow, and I can tell she's enjoying the way it highlights the muscles she's intently admiring.

My skin trembles as she works the button of my jeans, sliding them down my legs where I can step out of them and my socks at the same time. She pauses now that she's got me in my underwear, and I can tell she's debating her options. I keep my hands at my sides, waiting patiently for her to decide. And when she tugs her sweater up and over her head, I stay fucking put.

She takes her time undressing until she's in just her black lacy bra and underwear, and my cock is straining at full mast against the thin fabric of my tight boxers. As difficult as it is for me, I don't move a goddamn inch. Instead, I let her come to me. She steps forward into my space again, reaching for my hands, her eyes downcast and focused on what she's doing.

My breath catches as she delicately places my hands on the bare skin of her waist, right above the wavy trim of lace that's barely covering anything at all. She takes a measured step backwards towards the bed, and her timidness sends an ache shooting through my chest.

As gently as I can, I slide my hands to cradle the back of her neck and just under her ass, lifting her up and onto the bed in one smooth motion. I lay her down slowly, arching over her as I take in the way her hair spills out around her in rippling golden waves. Seeing the mesmerizing pattern of her stormy blue-brown eyes as she looks up at me draws a smile onto my lips, which only grows when her hands slide up and rest on my chest.

Leaning on one hand, I guide one of hers right over my heart, giving it a gentle squeeze before I place mine back down on the mattress beside her so I can taste her lips again. I take my time kissing her, moving our tongues around lazily as I start to feel her hips move around beneath me.

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