2. Anime | Classroom of the Elite, Season 2

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Holy. Cow.

Oh my goodness.

Let's jump straight in because I can't wait to talk about *******.

My ratings have not changed, so to see those, please refer to the last review for this anime.

Please note: I have not read the light novels! (My order was cancelled due to being really far on back order...) Please do not spoil the story for me beyond what is in the show. Also, this will contain spoilers for the season. If you haven't finished watching it yet, please do that before reading this as I will go into detail on some things that will come out late in the season.

Now, let's get on to the overview and then my thoughts because I just watched the finale of season 2 and I am practically bursting.

This season picks up with everyone still on the ship after the mind-blowing finale to the island test and now facing another test on the ship.

Just saying, but I think this ship is the catalyst from which comes the entire rest of the season.

This is where Ayanokoji Kiyotaka gains Kuriozawa as a pawn. She's being bullied, so he arranges for it to get really bad and then Ayanokoji gives us a glimpse of what's inside. He bullies her more and then lets her know he's not serious, he was just testing a theory, and then promises her protection.

He does eventually follow through on this, but some other things come first. The sports festival, for instance.

Horikita and him put together a strategy and he starts taking a little bit of a back seat from this point on when it comes to strategizing. For now, though, they plan. To prove that he is in control, he gives Kuriozawa a sign to look for: someone would betray class D.

His words come true. The matchups they planned for during the festival all fail. Come to find out, someone betrayed the class. After some digging and guessing on Horikita's part, they find out the traitor is Kushida. Of course, she has no problem outing herself. Happy about it, even.

Kushida tries to make a bet with Horikita, saying that whoever loses the bet has to drop out of school. Understandably, Horikita is hesitant to agree. Enter Ayanokoji to the scene, and she says Kushida takes the chance to go up against them both. Ayanokoji arranges for a contest with the upcoming test. Under the codename "Mastermind", he convinces the person Kushida is conspiring with, Ryuen of class C, to not honor the promise he'd made with her. This means that Kushida loses the bet and has to stop trying.

With her out of the picture, the sports festival and many tests behind them, and an immediate threat dealt with, the show drops a bomb on us: Ayanokoji's father shows up. Nothing really comes out of this, other than we meet the man behind the White Room and realize he has a connection to one of the highest people over the school and that his daughter is the main girl in class A.

The only other thing we really get out of this scene is that his appearance and class D's teacher's reaction tips off Ayanokoji that he's been played, and he tells the teacher that he is going to stop trying to get the class moved up in rank. He calls her out, and then proceeds to 'cut ties' with Kuriozawa.

This is when Ryuen makes a move. He lures Kuriozawa to a portion of the gym that's being renovated and there's no one around to see anything in order to get the Mastermind to show himself.

By this point, Ryuen has begun a witch hunt of sorts to find the Mastermind, and this is the last effort in a string of schemes.

Anyway, so he proceeds to basically waterboard this poor girl, Ayanokoji calls the teacher and student council president (Horikita's older brother) to the gym to vouch for him. He goes in right when Kuriozawa is ready to break and proceeds to talk to the people torturing her.

I think we can all agree that episode 12 is probably one of if not the absolute best episode of the season. Ayanokoji gives us yet another glimpse into what he is truly capable of - and it's both amazing and terrifying.

He basically beats Ryuen to a pulp, finally getting him to show fear, before consoling Kuriozawa. She cries on him and all is well. In the final episode, we see he still only sees her as a pawn, but now she is completely loyal to him. He doesn't have to worry because she will not betray him.

But that isn't where this ends. It ends on a tidbit that most or all of us should have seen coming if we watched the episode with Ayanokoji's father and paid attention to the connections. The girl with the cane that's in charge of class A? She knows Ayanokoji and she knows about the White Room.

This is the perfect torturous cliffhanger ending for a season finale. Just saying.

Now that the overview of the season is done, I am so ready to just start gushing.

First of all, I can not get over how good Ayanokoji's character is. I know I gushed a little before about how well-written this story is, and it's only gotten better in my opinion. His character has a lot going on behind the scenes, and even though I haven't read the manga, I'm willing to bet that it is only scratching the surface of his character. Even so, I think they did a good job with the portrayal.

Secondly, if he and Ryuen get together and plot to take over the school, I really think they could. No joke. Also, I low-key want to see it.

Thirdly, that last scene? That came out of nowhere. Like, who is this girl? Ayanokoji is on guard with you here, and you're saying you're going to bury him? Right after calling him a false genius? I mean, what? Also, I just want to say that Ayanokoji's eyes in that scene aren't flat. His face isn't showing emotion, but his eyes are.

Anyway, that's all from me. Arregato for reading and hanging out! Mata ne!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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