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content alluding to unwanted advances/SA

TW: content alluding to unwanted advances/SA

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( now )

ROSE WATCHED THE old rusted gate before her open up. She hated the thing. It was what kept her here, in this hellhole.  A man with a grim look was standing on the other side. The obnoxious creak the metal made used to startle the brunette every single time - now she tuned it out.

"Get up." His rough voice drew her eyes to meet his.

She stayed put on the worn-out cot that she seemed to find comfort in. She stuffed her hands in her hoodie pocket and crossed her legs, looking away from the man. He let out a huff and stepped into the cell.

"I said get up. He wants to see you." He reiterated, a scowl starting to show on his face.

"It's late." She replied, still not looking at him.

"Doesn't matter." He assured her before trudging over and grabbing her by the arm.

Rose let out an irritated cry as he yanked her onto her feet. She stumbled for a moment before steading herself. She sneered at the man but he simply pushed her forward and out of the cell.

He pushed her up against the nearby wall and began to pat her down, checking for anything that she shouldn't have. Once he was satisfied he nudged her on. She slowly walked the path she did almost every day. The man towered over her as he kept pace right behind her.

They passed the same windows, doors, and people. The people that pretended that she didn't exist unless it was for their benefit. The same people Rose wished she could kill with her bare hands.

They exited the building and made their way down the concrete path, the dreaded cabin coming into view even in the darkness. The brunette's heart immediately began to race and her stomach sank further than she ever thought it could. Her palms got sweaty and she bit at her lip as they approached the porch.

"Go." The man stopped at the steps but gestured her to continue.

She stopped where he did and glanced at him. His eyes bore into her, no remorse behind those irises. Rose then looked to the freshly painted front door, her thoughts racing.

"I got shit to do." He grabbed her by the upper arm again and pulled her up the steps causing her to stumble slightly.

"Jesus, Ron." She huffed and adjusted her hoodie as she approached the entrance.

The man knocked on the door before opening it, pushing Rose inside. He shook his head at her before turning to leave.

"I'll be back later." He shut the door behind him, leaving the woman alone in the cabin.

Rose swallowed the lump in her throat and walked down the hall, approaching the room she went in every single time. Before she could open the door herself, it swung open. Stood before her was a man that made her want to peel her own skin off.

"Rose." His scratchy voice greeted her, a smile on his lips.

She didn't return the greeting as she entered the room. She noted the cracked window, allowing the cool breeze to chill the room and his pistol sat on the bedside table.

"How are you tonight, Rose?" He asked her as he made his way over to her.

Yet again, she didn't reply. The man grew irritated at her lack of conversation and grabbed her by the chin, forcing her to look at him. She tensed her jaw but held his eye contact. He reached up with his other hand and gently tucked a stray piece of her brunette hair behind her ear.

"How are you tonight, Rose?" He repeated himself.

She paused for a moment and swallowed before speaking.

"I'm fine, Wes. It's late and I'm tired." She answered him through gritted teeth.

He leaned in and held his face inches from hers, studying her face for a moment. He gave her a grin as he ran his thumb down her cheek and onto her neck.

"I was feeling a bit lonely, tonight." He whispered before pressing a gentle kiss to Rose's jawline.

She tensed at his touch. It was something she had felt countless times, but she could never get used to it. He stepped back and sat down on his bed, staring at her for a moment. He nodded his head at her and she knew what that meant.

She wanted to scream and cry. She wanted to bash his head off the nearest wall. She wanted out and she was gonna try her hardest to get that tonight.

She slowly slipped her hoodie off, revealing her tank top, and tossed it onto the end of the bed. He grinned at the brunette as he opened his arms to her. She begrudgingly approached and stood between his legs, letting him rest his head against her stomach. His fingers made their way to her jean buttons and she knew it was now or never.

As he gently pulled at the fabric, she reached into her bra and pulled out the shard of glass she had hidden away. With one deep breath as he looked up to her, she plunged the object into the side of his neck. He let out a mangled cry, throwing himself back onto the bed and reached to where she had gouged him. She stumbled back, grabbed her hoodie and ran for the door. She paused as she tried to open it, only to realize he had locked it.

Behind her he groaned as he got to his feet, making his way towards his gun. Rose panicked and ran across the room, grabbing the window and yanking it open the rest of the way. Just as she threw herself out of the house, shots rang out.

She let out a cry as she hit the ground, wasting no time and running towards the trees. Bullets flew randomly as he attempted to hit Rose, his blood loss hindering his aim. Yelling could be heard in the distance, letting her know that others heard the shots.

She ran as fast and hard as she could, heading deep into the forest and trying to put as much distance between her and that group as she could.

She let out a groan as a bullet grazed her thigh, causing her to stumble. She wavered only for a moment before picking up speed and disappearing into the thicket of trees. Her leg bled and ached but she didn't care. She just wanted to be free.

BAD DECISIONS ━ JOEL MILLERWhere stories live. Discover now