58 it's end

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NEW chapter is here...
its end here of their journey...

i hope u liked it...

20+ comments

do u want season 2 in different book form or in this i continue season 2?

well season 2 will be amazing too

enjoy ur chapter
i tried to show the emotions.



Everyone reached palace while sia was just quite whole journey.
as soon as everyone enter in palace riya and abhay came running
"sia my child are u oke?
are u hurt somewhere"- riya said while checking sia
she goes to vihaan -"vihaan maa sa Karthik where they are ?
i wanna meet them "
but there was no response.
"vihaannn where is my mom"- abhay shouted but still there were no reply.
"siaa u say where is maa saa"- riya said while holding sia shoulder
there was only silence in palace.
"somebody say something"- riya shouted
"maa saa and Karthik are dead"- sia said while looking at floor.
there were a pin drop silence for a minute.
riya eyes were widen up in shock.
soon two bodies were taken in the hall.
they were cover in white cloth.
as soon as riya saw them she fainted and fall on ground while abhay run to her maa saa and kid
"maaa saaa , Karthik my child" - he said and he also fainted..
"maaa papa"- vihaan shouted and vihaan goes to her mom and rehaan goes to his dad.

"rehaan let's take them in room akriti call doctor"- he said
soon doctor came and check them.

after a hour they waked up but sia was not in their parents room.
riya asked for her so vihaan goes to find sia.
he got to know she is in ruhi room
as soon as he came out of her room . his anger was on peak his eyes darken ...
"this all happened by me"- sia said to ruhi
he didn't listen further and enter in room
sia looked at me with sad expression but vihaan came and slapped her that she fall on ground.

"v...vi...vihaan"- sia said
ruhi was about to say something but he show her palm not to talk further.
he grabbed sia elbow harshly and took her in hall and throw her that make her fall on ground.
sia was confused but ruhi rudra were angry on vihaan behaviour.
"SPIL THE TRUTH U MONSTER"- vihaan shouted
his anger was on peak that everyone in palace listen it and riya abhay came down while listening the voice...
"what is happening here ?"- abhay asked
"ASK HER "- vihaan shouted and sia flinched with his dark tone .
he never used or talk in that way that he is talking at this moment.
"sia "- riya came while helping her in standing
"VIHAAN be in limits"- rudra shouted
"seriously just fuck up rudra u all are together in her so called planning right"- vihaan shouted
sia heart broked by his words but her guilt was more than answering him.
"IF U DON'T KNOW ANYTHING U CAN'T BLAME VIHAAN RAJPUT"- ruhi said while standing in fron of vihaan
"just stay away im talking to her not u"- he said while pushing ruhi.
rudra came ans hold ruhi.
vihaan came to sia and hold her shoulder and make her away from riya
"mom stay away from a murderer"- he said while riya was confused by his behaviour
"atleast tell us the truth vihaan"- abhay said

everyone eyes widen up even sia.
she never excepted that he will blame her directly...

"v..vihaan u re angry listen to me it's not tr..."- sia was cutted by vihaan
"didn't u said to ruhi rudra all this happened by u"- vihaan shouted that make sia flinched badly .
she nodded as yes and that's what everyone heart broked there...
"vihaan atleast listen com...."- ruhi was saying but her words stuck in her throst when riya slapped sia very hard...

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