Chapter 9

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I'm a mess, and Marcel can see it. I'm so twisted with worry that all my nerves probably resemble a coiled piece of rope.

"She's not here, Caden," Marcel says on a sigh. "I'm sorry."

I run my hands through my hair in frustration as anxiety starts to churn faster in my gut. I've always rested assured that Alairia was just a couple of blocks away. I slept peacefully knowing that she was safe. I was ok with the fact that I couldn't have her because at least I could go see her whenever I wanted.

I'm addicted to her, and going through withdrawal has never been fun for anyone.

"Ok," I say, nodding even though I have no idea what I'm nodding about. "Then we go to Nixx's pack. We can ask him if he's seen or heard anything suspicious and ask if he's willing to help us look."

Marcel grimaces. "You can't, Caden. You have a pack to look after."

I briefly consider tossing my title to the first person who catches it if it means I can find Alairia, but in the end, this is my pack, and I can't just throw it away.

A thought hits suddenly. "Adrian."

Marcel groans. "Hell no. Everything would be in ashes by the time we got back."

"I know you don't like him," I start, walking back towards the packhouse. "and I'll admit he doesn't have the best people skills, but I trust him with my life. He will take care of my pack. He knows duty, not kindness."

"I bet he knows what the inside of his ass looks like too," Marcel mumbles as he sulkily follows me.

"Stop sulking," I say. "He's loyal, and that's all we need right now."

Marcel opens his mouth, but suddenly a shriek from just outside the woods sounds.


I'd know that voice anywhere. I just didn't know she possessed the lungs of a hawk.

I sprint the last of the steps out of the trees until I see Molly frantically running around the street.

I speed up until I'm right behind her, snagging her little hips in my hands.

She yelps, squirming around in an act to escape.

"Hey," I say calmly, catching her attention.

She instantly stills once she realizes who holds her, and I almost smile at the fact that she finds me comforting.

"What's going on, Molly?" I ask gently, turning her so I can see her face.

Tear stains track down her rosy cheeks, and an exhausted flush has taken over her entire expression.

"I was-" she hiccups. "trying to find Ms. Ally but she-" she hiccups again. "wasn't at Sprinkled and," another hiccup. "I couldn't find her anywhere else. I think," hiccup. "something happened."

I kneel down before pulling her closer into my arms, hugging her with reassurance I feel is unfair. I can't give her knowledge that I know is false, and I won't lie to her. Lucky for me, however, is that I've mastered the art of shaping my picture into whatever people expect, and what Molly expects is for me to tell her that everything is fine. So I do.

"Everything will be ok," I murmur, because it will be. "Alairia is probably just visiting a friend and forgot to tell someone." Unlikely but entirely possible. "I'll bring her back."

That last one is non negotiable. I don't care where she is or what she's doing. I would swim to the bottom of the ocean, fly into space, or dig to the centre of the earth if it meant at the end of the day she would be back here. Where she belongs.

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