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He dreams.

There is fire everywhere. It eats up the forest and leaves burned out husks. Animals flee before the orange-red wall in terror.

And he still cannot find him.

Where are you?! he yells, but the smoke fills his throat making him choke. How could they have done such a deed?

Fear has him spinning in a circle, searching through the smoke. He cannot see well, and the ash on the air has his third eyelids sweeping rapidly across his eyes. Where was his friend, his monster, his lover?

I need you! he screams into the soot-blackened air. Where are you?!

He stumbles away from the wall of fire, still searching. Deer bound at his side as he flees the inferno, fear gripping his heart. I cannot find you, he murmurs to himself as he races towards the river. Please, gods, let him be alive!

He is standing in knee deep water, weeping. The one he was searching for has not shone himself. He is most likely dead, a burned out husk of a person now.

He wants to drown himself. He cannot live without his lover. With him gone it is like half of him is missing. Preparing to plunge into the river–the same river that had saved his life once before, he pauses. 

And the fire jumps ahead of him, blocking the river from view through orange flames. He realizes now that he shouldn't have paused–that he should have kept going. Now, flames lick at his flesh burning him. He falls to the ground, smoke thick in his lungs. The fire closes in.

I'm going to die, he thinks. Knows. He is going to die here, a burned out corpse of a person. And he will never see him again.


As the fire nips at his skin, his hair is the first to burn.

I'm going to die. 

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