No Rules - Fourteen

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By the time I wake up, Payne and I's position has switched. My back is pressed into his abdomen, and his arms are around the dip of my waist, a single hand drawing slow circles over my stomach. My whole body is filled with warmth and phantom electricity.

"Good morning." His voice is deep and hoarse with sleep, and it would be a lie to say that it doesn't affect certain parts of me very much. The wolf, still in a half-sleep, takes in our situation, his hand touching us, wishing that it would travel just a bit lower. He doesn't stop the movement of his fingers, repeating the same pattern over and over again.

I turn over in his grasp, so that we can look at each other. "Good morning. How did you sleep?" I'm concerned for him with everything that happened yesterday, with how tired he was - that he fell asleep within moments of getting into the bed. I notice that we have no blanket on us now. I guess we kept each other warm throughout the night.

It's a relief that his wounds are all closed now, just a bit of pink scarring that will soon fade too I'm sure. "Better than I've slept in a long time." For a moment I wonder if he was restless during the nights since finding his first mate like I was, if he dreamed about her the way I did Matias.

Last night was restful for me. My dreams were only filled with Payne and his eyes, that moment when the wolf purred her confirmation at touching him. She puffs her chest out a little in my mind's eye, like she's gloating. Like she knew and was waiting for everyone else to catch up.

"Me too." I press my face against his chest. Soon we will have to get up and get ready for training, but right now, I could lay here with him forever and not have a care in the world about it.

"Those wolves.. how will they be mourned?" I can't help but ask. He didn't want to talk about it last night, but today we will have to face it. Properly commemorate their deaths.

"Do you want to do something after training.. together?" I laugh a little, pulling back where I can see him again. "Are you asking me on a date?" I arch an eyebrow at him, the grin on my face obvious.

"I.. yes, I'm asking my mate to go on a date. What's so wrong about that?" His face starts turning a shade of red, but seeing my smile, he just starts to laugh. The sound is warming, and makes me feel at ease in a way nothing has before. "Nothing at all. I would love to."

"Good. I already have an idea."


We reach the training grounds after Payne goes to his room to change. We walk hand in hand, and he greets some of the wolves we pass by. There are still open stares, but not nearly as many. The path seems all too short as we enter the clearing, and pull our hands apart. He kisses my forehead.

"Are you training with your mom today?" I ask. At least this way I can prepare myself for the crunching of his bones, so I don't gasp or wince, even though I know she wouldn't hurt him too bad. I hope.

He nods his head yes, slowly, as if he can hear his own ribs breaking again, feel her punches connecting. "I am." The sound of hands clapping together breaks my attention from him. We need to get into our places soon.

"Good luck." I think even he knows that he's going to need it, as the Luna is already sizing him up across the field, silver eyes glimmering like freshly polished steel. It's a stare that makes me feel just a little nervous for him.

When I join Kassidy's side, I realize I forgot my mat.

Her hair is braided into a circle on the crown of her head today. She doesn't wear that big smile today. The Alpha's greeting is different today, "Good morning everyone. I'm glad you're here. Before we begin, may we take a moment to remember those who cannot be." The silence is different this time. Heavy.

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