Chapter 23

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I've been avoiding Kyrell every chance I get. I don't know what I would say to him. And since he was so occupied with the meetings it wasn't so hard.

Instead of sleeping in our room, I stayed the past few nights in the Star Palace.

It was now the day before the ball.

I sat in a cushioned chair, reading a book to Evianna who was on my lap. I've gotten close to her that she makes me read her little stories.

"Wow, so they fell in love at the end?" She said with a smile.

"Yes and they lived happily ever after." I turn to look at the grand clock. "I think it's time for you to return back to the main palace. It's getting late."

She nods, hopping off my lap.

"Oh, Your Majesty." She turns around. "Prince Alastair hasn't been feeling well lately and he won't tell me what's wrong. I just wanted to let you know. Maybe you can help him."

I noticed he didn't seem like himself but I didn't ask. Should I have?

What is wrong with me?

I've been so focused on Kyrell that I didn't see my own son.

As soon as Evianna left, I made my way to Alastair's room.

"Alastair?" I say, knocking on the door.

"Come in."

The eight year old boy was in his pajamas, snuggled inside his bed.

"Sorry, were you sleeping?" I ask, sitting on the edge of his bed.

"No, do you need something, Mother?"

"Do I need to have something to come to wish my son a good night?" I rub his head.

"I guess not."

"What's wrong? You've been acting odd lately," I finally say.

He looks as if he doesn't want to answer. "It's childish."

"Are you not a child?"

"It's not very prince-like." He repeats.

"Tell me."

He released a sigh. "I think I'm jealous, Mother. The past week you have been spending so much more time with Evianna when I'm the one who lives here. You feed her cake and read her books, but you haven't done that to me." He finishes with a pout.

He was jealous of his future lover.

I couldn't help but release a laugh. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." I apologize, pushing it back. "There is no reason for you to be jealous, Alastair. I'm sorry that I didn't show you more attention. But I love you more than I love anyone else. Not even Evianna can compare to that. You're my son forever." I place a kiss on his forehead.

He breaks into a smile. "Thank you, Mother." He pauses before starting again. "If it's not too much, can you sleep with me? I'm not sure why Mother isn't sleeping with Father but I want to know how it feels. So can you stay with me tonight."

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