⟣Chapter 80

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The bait SUV had not gone far, they hid in an alley, listening to the roaring of the “Grotesque” nearby. They felt relieved because they had done this too many times before and had always succeeded. Therefore, they were not worried about any accidents.

No survivor squad could survive the wrath of the “Grotesque”. Using the “Grotesque” as a weapon was a last resort. If they weren’t careful, they could end up dead at the hands of the “Grotesque” themselves. Luckily, they succeeded.

The man driving the car tossed a cigarette to the co-pilot and the two people in the backseat. Cigarettes were valuable in the post-apocalyptic world, and the chances of finding them were getting smaller. “Well done, that van is as good as dead this time.”

Earlier, they had noticed a suspicious van wandering around Yue County. They never let unfamiliar vehicles and strangers pass in Yue County. Most of the people who came to Yue County had intentions of raiding their food supply. Food was their lifeline, and they didn’t allow anyone to covet it, so many people who came never returned.

When they discovered the suspicious van, they organized a group of people to attack. However, three corpse wolves jumped out of the van. These rotting corpse wolves were particularly fierce, chasing and biting people. Just like zombies, the corpse wolves were infected with the zombie virus, and even a scratch from them could lead to infection. It was thanks to the three corpse wolves acting as a rear guards that the van managed to escape smoothly.

They didn’t expect the owner of the van to be so brave. He quickly returned with more people, determined to kill the group. They wanted to kill as many of them as they could.

While smoking their cigarettes, the group of four exclaimed, “Oh, they’re not dead yet! Let’s go, let’s go!”

With the road ahead blocked, they had to reverse quickly and try to escape from the other end of the alley. However, when they looked back, their faces turned pale. A group of zombies had appeared at the other end of the alley, completely blocking the exit. There was no way for them to escape.

With enemies in front and zombies behind, the only way for them to escape was if they could fly or had spatial abilities like Xiao Hen.

The appearance of the zombie group blocking the alley was eerie, and the sense of danger they had felt before resurfaced. Chang Boheng instinctively looked at Wen Qingling. He already knew that Wen Qingling could control zombies, and it seemed that this group of zombies was also summoned by him.

Chang Boheng had misunderstood Wen Qingling. It wasn’t Wen Qingling but Xiao Hen who had summoned the zombies. Even without the zombies’ howling, the oppressive aura of the “General” alone could make ordinary zombies obediently gather.

Xiao Hen had recently become a zombie, and he was still new to controlling his zombie abilities. He needed more practice.

The four trapped individuals panicked. The man driving the car, who was also a tough character, gritted his teeth and said, “Send the signal!”

The man in the passenger seat ignited a firework in his hand and threw it out of the window. The firework exploded in the air, suddenly igniting the previously quiet Yue County. The noise attracted all the zombies in the county.

The man accelerated and stepped on the gas pedal, intending to ram through the zombies head-on.

They couldn’t provoke the horde of zombies, but they weren’t afraid of other humans. The force between humans was mutual, and it was a contest of who could endure till the end.

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