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The four of them returned to Dokyun's house, only to see the two waiting.

"Look who's finally here." Dokyun said unamused, only glancing at the four before turning his attention back to the movie that was playing on his tv.

"Did y'all finally meet Chan and Jisung?" Miso asked looking up from her phone. Meanwhile, the four stood there, frozen.

"HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT?!" Kylo yelled.

"Well you see..." Miso started. She ended up revealing a big secret that only Dokyun knew.

"I can't believe you" Seolya said offended.

"Well I wanted to tell you but I wasn't sure if you knew their real identities!" Miso defended herself.

"Yeah yeah, sure."


After a good night's rest, which lasted for about 5 hours, it was time for Kylo and Saena to meet the idols.

Saying they were nervous would be the easiest way to describe their current state.

They were panicking, picking out outfits, getting their hair done, putting on makeup etc.

"Does this look good?" Kylo asked Saena, who was currently ironing her hair. He was wearing olive green pants, a black loose shirt and some small silver earrings paired with a couple of rings on his finger.

"You look hot no matter what you're wearing" Saena answered blankly, not looking up from the mirror.

"I actually hate you.." he huffed and went to look for someone else to ask.

~ approximately 15 minutes later ~

The two were currently in the car, driving to the Jyp building, where the boys were practising.

The plan was to meet with Hyunjin in front of the building and surprise them while they were on break.

"I'm nervous.." Kylo muttered, biti g his lip.

"I know you are, I am too but the outcome is worth it." The female reassured.

"What if he hates me..?" The male question. Saena laughed at this.

"Bro, he fucking loves you, he could never hate you, You're the love of his life."

"You're sure?"


Without realising they were in front of the building. Saena parked the car and they got out, searching for a specific 5' 10½'' male.

Kylo noticed him waving over to them and they ran over to him.

"You guys ready?"


Is it concerning that I knew Hyunjin's exact height without googling it?

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