Chapter 10

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Giulia looked at me with wide eyes. My brain was working slower than usual. Her taste lingered on my tongue, and my thighs were still warm from her pretty ass. Despite my promise to keep my distance, I'd practically dragged her onto my lap the first chance I got. She hadn't resisted. Because she wanted me, or because she feared to refuse me?

Simona's cries grew in intensity.

"She's probably hungry."

"Okay?" Giulia looked like a deer in the headlights.

I sighed and stood, rearranging my dick so it wasn't as obvious.

"Come on, I'll show you everything." Giulia pulled a robe over and followed after me.

I was on the way downstairs to prepare the bottle, but Giulia froze.

"Shouldn't we console her first before going down into the kitchen?"

I considered that then nodded slowly. Sybil had prepared the bottle while I took care of Simona. Once Sybil fed her, I returned to bed. Giulia and I went to Simona's bedroom and walked in. I turned the lights on. Simona's face scrunched up with her cries, her skin already turning red. Her cries tore at me. She'd always been a crier, but since Gaia's death, it had become worse.

Now every one of her cries seemed to ring with an undertone of accusation, and my guilt weighed heavy on my shoulders. I walked over to the crib and picked Simona up, cradling her in my arms. She quieted only briefly. Sighing, I headed back to the door where Giulia was hovering with an uncertain expression.

“You don't know anything about children, right?"

She hesitated. "Only what I've read."

That was what I'd suspected. Her parents made it sound like she was a practiced babysitter, but of course that had been tactic. Rocking Simona gently, I headed downstairs, Giulia close behind me. I could only hope Daniele wouldn't wake as well. I couldn't comfort them both, not that he
would let me console him.

Stifling my frustration, I entered the kitchen. It had been a while since I'd prepared a bottle, but Sybil had set everything out in preparation. I nodded toward the bottles and formula.

“You have to prepare the bottle."

Giulia's eyes snapped to me. "I've never done it."

I sighed then held Simona out "Then you'll have to hold her while I show you how to do it."

Giulia glanced at my daughter, swallowing, Embarrassment filled her face as she met my gaze, and I knew what she'd say before she did.

“I've never held a baby in my life."

For a moment, I felt the urge to lash out at her verbally, but I shoved it down. Giulia had even less say in marrying me than I did. It wasn't her fault that she didn't know the first thing about being a mother.

“It's not difficult. Just hold out your arms and take her."

"What if I drop her? Or hurt her? Or" her."

"Giulia, it's going to be fine. You won't drop her, and you won't hurt."

Giulia nodded and finally held out her arms. I put Simona into them, and Giulia immediately cradled her to her chest.

"Oh, she's heavier than I thought."

I hovered beside her to see if she could handle it, but Giulia only had eyes for Simona. She looked terrified and a little lost. Then Simona did what she always did when anyone but me or my sisters or mother held her; she began bawling, her tiny arms and legs thrashing as she tried to squirm away from the stranger.

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