Chapter 2: A New Day

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"This is my honor, my dreams..." Those were the final words of a father to a son, who died and gave him a present, a sword. The Buster Sword. And this same sword was passed down by his owner to his friend, Angeal Hewley gave the Buster Sword to Zack Fair. And since thay day it has been his most cherished treasure. The symbol of his honour, and his master's one. So that's why he really nevers live it behind, ever. First thing in the morning when he wakes up, he puts behind this back. And today was no special day. He took it and left the house, quickly pronouncing his mentra like every day.
He passed in front of Cloud's appartment and hesitate whether to knock or leave him alone. He scratched his head and told himself "Oh well" before leaving for Seventh Heaven.
Many people great him while he walked past them. He helped a good number of those folks every single day since he got to sector seven.
He finally got in front of Seventh Heaven, and knocked before entering. Tifa great him.
"Hey, slept well" she smiled
"Like a baby ! Thanks again for everything Tifa !" He smiled back, and went to do some squats, she laughed and joined them
"You know, there really is something adictive about those !
-Right? I can do this all day !
-We should really go for a contest one day !
-For sure hahaha !" They went back to normal standing and laugh for a while. Then Zack asks: "So, need help for something?" Tifa thinks for a sec:
"Well... Yeah I think you could help" Marlen got down from the stairs.
"Hey Zack !
-Heya ! How are you little princess?" She laughed
-I'm good ! My dad went home so I can spend the whole day with him !
-Is that so !" She laughed. She really liked Zack and his good attitude! Tifa told Marlene her and Zack were about to go help folks, and she told them good luck as they were leaving.
"Barret should probably get around soon enough, don't worry about Marlene !" Said Tifa.
-Yeah, I bet he will ! So, what's the program sir ?
-Okay ! First, we go find Biggs and Wedge who holds the fort at the Neighbor Watch ! Maybe they will have some folks needing help for us to help !" They both got to them as climbing a ladder.
"Hey guys ! Got something?" Said Tifa
-Oh hey Tifa !" Greeted them Wedge
-And Zack too !" Added Biggs
-Hey guys ! So what's new, who's in need of help !
-Some monsters in the boulevard as always !
-Nothing you two can't handle, right ?" Said Biggs. Tifa and Zack nodded and got toward the Square Boulevard, home for a lot of monsters those days. They crossed their first insects like monsters, as Zack grabbed his sword and slashed through them, he grabbed one of them by the tail and throwed him toward Tifa who killed it fast in the air.
"Awesome !" Claimed Zack, then they destroyed a lot of monsters, even some kind of very muscular dog as they both punched him on the mouth and killed it.
"All done, thanks for your help
-Hey, I barely was of any help, you were amazing !" He told her as she laughed
"Yeah, I'm pretty good at taking care of myself! But you were not too shabby !
-Heh, could have done it blindfolded !" They both got back to the Neighbour watch and were thanked by Biggs and Wedge. They then got back to Seventh Heaven, after splitting the money of the job in half. Then an old lady asked them to help carrying heavy stuff, which they did free of cost. Tifa talked to Zack while doing it.
"You know, I wish there was a way to do things peacefully...
-what do you mean ?
-Well... I'm not saying I don't understand why Barret and the others bombed the reactor, but... I think I'm having second thoughts...
-Yeah, you should have I think... A bombing is not a thing you can easily look past...
-Not only that... I'm scared of losing everything once more...
-Oh..." Zack put in place the things he was carrying "I'm sorry Tifa... If only I was stronger, I could have stopped this madness... I could have killed Sephiroth before it was too late !" She sighed after puttin the box down.
-It's okay, you did your best and it's not on you... Besides, Sephiroth is long gone now..." She breathed heavily. "I think Cloud changed since the incident... He is acting strange since then !
-What do you mean ? Do you know something qi don't ?
-It's not that... It's just that I feel like he's hiding things, from you and me... I overheard your talk yesterday you know...
-Is that so..." He walked around "I swear I feel like kind of a dad with him you know ?" She laughed.
-Maybe more an older brother! You're too young to be his father
-Yeah, maybe haha!" They laughed and got back to the bar. When they arrive they see Cloud talking with Barret.
"Here's your fees, merc. With a little more for special services." Cloud took the money and crossed Zack's eyes. He looked away quickly. Zack tells Tifa he may leave for today.
"Going to see Aerith ?" He laughed and walked past the door. "So, Cloud... What about some more works ?
-For the right price." She laughs and ghey both leave as well. Barret ran to catch Zack before he left at the train station.
"Wait up merc !
-Oh hey ! What's up ?
-You know, we could use someone like you ! You're stronger than a lot of peops and plus you seem like a good man ! So, wanna join us ? We'll pay you well of course !" Zack thought about it for a bit but quickly answered.
-I'm sorry but, I'll sit this one out. I wanna stick it to Shinra too, don't misunderstand, but... There are orther ways than involving innocent peoples...
-Innocent ? They're up here, knowing damn well how we suffer, but they don't move a damn thinger !
-They don't deserve to have they life destroyed! We all wants what's best for the one we love, don't you get that ?" Barret stopped for a moment and calmed down.
-Yeah, I get it... Would have done anything for Marlene back in the days... But I don't see any other way, do you ?" He left. "One more thing. If you have a change of mind, you know where to find us." Zack went on with his day and took the train to Sector Five.
He went straight for the church when he arrived, knowing that at this time of the day she would be taking care of her flowers, and he was damn right. He pushed the door open and yelled.
"I'm Back !" A woman jumped a bit but laughed it off. She was the flower girl who gave Cloud his.
"Hey, you know you don't need to burst in like so !" Zack apologize. "You could at least say something more gentle..."
"Like, Helloooooo ?" They laugh all loud.
-You remember !
-How could I forget ?
-Hmm I dunno, you've been through a lot..." Zack cheered her up by tapping her shoulder and laughing.
"So, what are de doing today ?
-Hmm... I dunno..." Zack sighed. "Did you have something in mind ?" She asked.
-Not really no..." He saw that she was councerned so he added. "Oh I'm fine ! It's nothing!"
-Yeah, sure seems like so...
-Sorry it's...
-You don't have to tell me you know ? I understand some things need to remain silent.
-It's not like that... There's this friend of mine who gets reckless, he went on with a dangerous job that could have gotten him kill and involved a lot of innocent peoples. And I dunno what to tell him.
-I see... I've met a blond man with a sword yesterday you know... " Zack looked at her, councerned."He said he was involved in deangerous thing... I think it might have been him. He wore almost the same outfit as you do." Zack walked around. "You shouldn't worry, he seemed to handle things well." He stopped.
-I really should introduce you to him..." She blushed. He laughed and scratched his head. She then broke the silence.
"Hey ! I know what will get you back on your feet ! How about one date ?
-That's my line !
-Oh yeah ? You don't want to then ?
-Of course I want ! Wait for me !" He said following her. They walked toward her house, knowing Elmyra wouldn't have a problem with Zack being there. She greeted them with a nice meal and everyone ate their fil !
"So, Aerith told me you've been hanging around here again Zack ?" Said her mother.
"Oh yeah ! A lot happened during those five years... But I'm back for good now !
-Yup, and he makes sure to let me know" she laughed while Zack looked puzzled. Elmyra smiled. But then looked at Zack and kept a straight face. She asked Aerith to go wash the dishes.
"Need help Aerith ?" Asked the man while Elmyra told him to sit down. He did as he was asked and Aerith looked councerned. She waited for Aerith to start washing the dish to talk to him.
"So, Aerith told me you were a soldier is that right ?
-Yes ma'am...
-You should stop talking to Aerith.
-You soldiers made a trade, a normal life for power, and you can't have both." Zack got sad. "I don't mean you harm, but I want what's best for my girl. Do you understand?
-I... I guess so...
-What do you want with her anyway ?" Zack paused for a second.
-I don't know...
-Hey, I'm done mom !" Aerith took Zack by the hand and pulled him toward her. "We're gonna get outside to help folks around ! I'll be back before noon !"
-Wait a sec, Aerith !" She left witv Zack and closed the door behind.
"Hum... You okay there ?" Zack asked.
-Just so you know... It's my life, so I make the choices, not her." Zack scratched his head but nodded. "Good !" She gave him a basket.
"What's with that ?
-Earlier today the orphanage asked me for flowers ! So I need your help to choose them and carry them !
-Yes ma'am !" They took some flowers while Aerith explained their meenings to Zack. They had a good laugh while Aerith questionned Zack's intentions with his choice of picks. The they left to the orphanage. Aerith entered with him and they helped building a flower emblem in the shape of a Chocobo. The orphanage keeper was worried and Aerith saw it, so she asked if something has happened.
"One kid didn't attend school today... I don't know if something happened to him...
-Where does he live ?" Asked Aerith
-To the east, not far near the... Ill man...
-Ill man ?" Asked Zack
-You'll see, let's go find him.
-Okay !" They left to the east, contouring the huge central place where everyone was watching the news about the blown up reactor. They arrived to child's home where they knocked on the door. The children opened the door.
"Aerith ? What's happening and who's this with you ?
-Hey Oax, you okay ? You didn't show up today so you got the older ones worried..." Said Aerith
-Oh, yeah... I got a problem with the man living next to mine...
-Oh, I see... What happened ?
-He collapsed so I got him in my house but he's been behaving weirdly... Like something was taking control of his body...
-Why didn't you ask for help ?
-Actually he did !" A man walked towards them, wearing a long white blouse. "Dr Martin, sorry to barge in but I overheard the conversation." Aerith recognised the doctor of the Sector Five.
-Oh that's perfect! What's happening doctor ?
-Hmm, hard to tell... Is that a soldier with you ?" He said pointing towards Zack.
"Ex-Soldier, the name's Zack, pleasure to meet ya !" He said while shaking his hand.
-Listen Zack, this mind come as a shock to you so maybe you shouldn't enter...
-Huh ? Why, what happened ?" The doctor looked at Aerith who nodded his way. He then guided them inside the house toward the bed where an ill man was laying down, wearing a black robe and having a number tattoo on his shoulder.
"What happened to him?" Asked Zack.
-We don't reallly know..." Answered Aerith, the doc took a serious ton:
-There's no telling if this theory is right but... I think they are Ex-Soldier suffering from... Cellular degradation..." Zack took a few step back. He understood the words but couldn't believe what he heard. Is "That" the future that awaits him? "You soldiers traded a normal life for power, you can't have both". Those words rang through his head. He didn't want to believe it. And then a voice in his head told him: "And what if it seems hopeless? You wanna give up?" He shook his head. He then asked:
"Is there anything we can do to help ?" The doc sighed.
-Not really no, we can give him drugs to make him numb, but his days are numbered... I wouldn't give him much time...
-It's horrible..." Said Aerith. Zack remembered how he felt about Soldier... Angeal pondered the question: "Is Soldier a den of monster ?" He got out then as Aerith followed.
"Zack wait!" She catched up to him, "You're gonna be okay, I know we'll find something!
-Yeah..." He was lost in thoughts... If he could take it back, not going in soldier, would he do it ?
"Help !!" Oax shouted as a huge volatile monster approached and began to attack the robbed man. The doctor tried to protect the man but too late. Zack took his sword and dashed toward him. He jumped and tried to slash it, though it managed to evade the strike and gathered magic. Zack took his materia and unleashed an ice spell to create a platform which he used to jump over the enemy and strike him down.
"Wow, that was cool mister !" Said the kid. Zack was conflicted, but saw his sword. Then he thought "If I didn't get in Soldier, would I've been able to protect them ?" And remembered the symbol of this sword, honor and dreams. A resolve refound, he put back his sword on his back.
"He's severely bleeding!" Shouted ghe doctor as Aerith was trying to help stop the bleeding of the robbed man. He touched Aerith's shoulder while heavily moaning because of the pain.
"Re... Reunion..." He used his last breath to say those words and died. Aerith took two steps back while the doctor pronounced the robbed man dead. Zack tries to occupy the kid's attention. Aerith took the kid by her hand and they walked toward the orphanage. The woman saw the blood on Aerith and rushed toward them, Aerith cleaned herself while Zack told everything to her. She then came back and finally was able to leave with Zack.
They walked together to the park where they both sat up a huge slide.
"So..." Said Aerith
-I'm fine, really ! I think I'm walking in circle that's all...
-The bombings, Avalanche, Barret, Tifa and Cloud... What am I supposed to do ? If I help them I get along with bombing reactors but if I do nothing I'm no good either...
-I think you should follow your heart, you'll find a way. I mean, it's what I think !" Zack smiled and thanked her. It was getting late so he took Aerith back and went back to Sector seven. She smiled as he left, grateful of the day she passed with him.
When he got back, Cloud was alone trying to help a bunch of peoples charging the back of a truck. He rushed to help him. When they were done the both of them silently walked toward Seventh Heaven. They stopped in front of it.
"Hey Cloud... About yesterday, I feel like you went too far..." His friends frowned.
"Money is money. We need it Zack.
-It's not that ! I'm councerned about you, can't you see ? I don't want to lose you buddy !
-I know, I'm doing everything I can to help you, that's my only goal.
-What do you mean ?
-I try to be there for you, but I feel like I'm nothing but a bursen to you. But if I manage to go through big contract like those, I feel like I help ! I want to be there for you Zack, like you were to me." Zack laugh.
-Is that so ? And what about Tifa then ?
-She needs you buddy, so be there for her you see ? She's having second thoughts about all this too !
-But then what about you ?" Zack pat Cloud's Shoulder.
-Hey we got each other backs right ? It's my job to keep you safe you got it ?" They laugh and finally get along again. Tifa then ran to them from a few blocks away.
"Zack Cloud, come with me, quickly !
-What happened ?
-It's Johnny, he's got kidnapped by Shinra!" Johnny was a good guy who knew too much about Avalanche, they instantly rushed to help him. They managed to get near without making any noise. The red punk hair man told the infantry men about Avalanche and just as he was about to say everything Tifa jumped and punched him to knock him down. The guards took their guns but were quickly dealt with by the two swordsmen. Tifa wonders what they'll do about Johnny.
"He's a talker" said Cloud getting close to him with his sword. He stroke down but Zack blocked it with the handle of his sword. Tifa then takes Cloud away from Johnny.
"Don't do it ! You're scaring me..." Cloud sheet his sword.
-But... What do we do about him? " Zack leant forward:
-leave town, that's your only warning." Johnny ran away as fast as possible. Tifa looked at Cloud worried, he sighed. The group goes back to Seventh Heaven where Barret was having a reunion. They talked about their next target, the Reactor 5.
"Oh guys ! You finally came ? Listen, we'll pay you well if you accept to work with us again, how about it ?" Tifa took Cloud's arm and whispered "don't go".
"I'll go, but I want a raise." Said the blond man.
-In your dreams! This is the money I reserved for Marlene studies !" Jessie got close to Barret and whispered:
"We kinda need the extra hand boss, not the time to play the economist !
-But what about Marlene ?" He whispered back.
-We'll figure it out !
-Oh alright! Three grands, not one more !
-I'm in then." Tifa sigh. Zack saw that and he remembered everything he went through today, so he took his stand.
-Well consider yourself lucky ! I'm in too, don't worry no extra money charges !
-You coming ?"Said Barret
-Yeah, why not ! Someone gotta keep en eye on our friend !" He put his arm around Clouds shoulders.
-I'm coming too" said Tifa
-You sure?" Asked Barret
"I... I want to help, I really do so... Yes, I'm sure.
-Okay, don't worry we'll be there for you." Reassured Barret. The group finally settled on everything, Cloud left early to go and get some rest while Zack talked to Tifa in private before returning home.
"Hey, so about the bombing...
-Yes ?
-I... I'll maybe try to prevent them of making the reactor explode...
-What ?
-Don't worry, I will find a way to show Shinra our regards but... Bombing a reactor ? You saw what happened after the reactor one right ?
-Yeah... People suffered a lot...
-That was too much chaos... So, I'm gonna try to find a more "peaceful" way to pass the message.
-I think you're right to do so ! If you need help with something you can ask me !
-Thanks Tifa, I'll talk to you." They arrived near the apartment and Tifa got to sleep. Zack waited a while before sleeping, he was really trying to find a way to stop the bombing, but maybe Barret was right... What if there were no other ways ? He heard somebody walk in front of the apartments so he got up and close to the door, sword armed just in case. He heard Jessie's voice, she was talking to Cloud.
"So, you in ? We need someone with your talent, Biggs and Wedge are full of good intentions don't get me wrong, but you, you're a pro !
-What's in it for me ?
-Straight to the point huh ? I like that ! What about one date?
-Don't play dumb.
-And what about that ! You know what it is, right ?
-Summoning Materia. Those are hard to come around. I'll take it, thanks.
-Perfect! Rest of the payment will be dued after the mission, I'll leave you to the preparation! Don't keep me waiting though, merc !" She said teasing him.
-Psych !" She left and Cloud sigh. Zack heard everything and knew Cloud was going to fake his sleep, so he waited even though he was tired, but knew his friend might need him, doing squats as he always does ! So when later Cloud sneaked out of the appartment, Zack followed him stealthily.

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