01. lucid dream

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Dark, wispy figures of different sizes. They appeared anywhere and everywhere, whether that be the corner of the room or the mirror's reflection, staring at you with a sharp smile.

Sometimes they would lurk, watching you for a few moments before disappearing till the next time. Other times, they would vanish as soon as your [e/c] eyes locked onto their daunting white ones.

They haunted your dreams, turning a child's wonderland of pink fluffy clouds and unicorns into a world overrun with monsters.

You woke up screaming every night, feeling the sharp talons claw at your face. Your fingers would clam down onto your blanket, clutching it tightly over your head as you cried for the figures to go away.

But they never did.

They followed you throughout middle school, beady white eyes following your every move. You grew used to them and eventually were able to sleep at night.

In fact, overtime, the figures began to amuse you. Yes, they were still bothersome and scary, but you had to admit it was a little entertaining the way they spontaneously appeared.

You parents were aware of your "hallucinations," as they called it, and always told you to brush it off. However, there was this certain uneasiness they possessed that you could never quite put your finger on.

So it was pretty shocking when they announced you were moving to Georgia in hopes that your hallucinations would get better, and because your dad had some business to do there.


You were packing your clothes, prioritizing your favorite pieces of clothing, while your dog, an energetic Doberman named Bandit, thoroughly sniffed a shirt. As you folded a pair of baggy jeans, you noticed a small, shadowy face staring up at you inside your suitcase. Quickly, you dropped the folded jeans into the suitcase, squishing the eerie smile.

At the sound of knocks on your door, peeled your gaze away from your clothes.

"Bear, can I come in?" your dad asked, using the nickname he came up for you as a child.

"Sure, I'm just packing."

Smiling, your dad came into your room and took a look at the clothes strewn across your [favorite color] blankets.

"Dang, I never noticed how much clothes you have," he commented, starting to help you fold some of them, but not after a quick pat on Bandit's head.

"Really? 'Cause you're the one who paid for most of them," you laughed before catching eye of your vanity. "Oh, I almost forgot about my jewelry!"

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