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"let's meet again, karna"

"Sure. I will take my leave now. Pranipat" Karna said as he bid farewell to Krishna and Balram before walking out from Dwarka.


"I am completely dead, Mahamahim is not going to leave me. I told Dwarkadheesh that my leave time has completed and I can't stay but he........the most dramatic person I have ever see, seriously!

Karna, thinking to himself speed up his horse as he promised to himself to reach Hastinapur today since he left early morning from Dwarka. He look at the thread around his right wrist as he remembered the words from Dwarkadheesh after karna told him about his curse from the lady.

"I know you are a very excellent warrior but right now you don't have power to fight nor you can summon any astra that's why I am tying this thread around your wrist, the day you will call me yourself I will be right there"

Despite the concern and worry in his voice, karna could not understood the reason behind this thread.......Does Dwarkadheesh know about something which karna don't? Though not like Karna could understand that man........not that anyone can even, he is this two weeks, karna has seen so many sides of Dwarkadheesh, he is calm, happy but angry too when needed, he is a prankster, he is childish but has serious side too, he is a great King, a good younger and older brother, a wished son of every mother and he is clever too, definitely very much. He literally tricked karna into calling him keshav and even said that they have made a good bond.........without karna's own knowledge. He still remember the time when he asked how did krishna recognise in the temple.

"how did you know, it was me in the temple?"

"you forgot about your hair accessory. You always wear it. It is beautiful"

" mother gave me"

"that's why"

Though karna won't say these two weeks weren't good, he almost forgot his pain behind but night is still there and until moon will come out Karna won't forget her though he will move on which he got to know from Dwarka brothers. He seriously respect both of them.

Knowing that karna has no strength and power now, Balram himself taught karna about some fighting skills, though he won't be able to fight against any warrior but small thief and criminal can be defeat by karna beside he did said that karna is intelligent enough to know what to do in these types of situations.

It is good that he has learned this much beside life can't be trusted, God knows what will happen next. Just only thing he can hope is nothing bad had happen in Hastinapur.


"at last" Karna says as he look at Hastinapur palace before his eyes after coming back from his home with his tummy full and mind fresh by a good bath.

He entered the palace after looking here and there before going towards Mahamahim who is walking in the corridor until his eyes went caught karna. Karna, noticing angry eyes of Mahamahim on him, smiled sheepishly as he went behind the elder who speed up his steps.

"where were you?" Mahamahim asked, once he reached at the corner of corridor.

"outside Hastinapur"

"didn't you went to meet your friend? What happened to that?"


Noticing karna's clenched fists, teeth digging into lower lips as he look anywhere but at him, his stiff posture and body language, these all things made Mahamahim think as if the young man in front of him is a warrior who is forced to face an unwanted situation but upon seeing karna's uncomfortable face and the topic under the situation, he let this topic go as he told Karna to go back after giving condolence before he himself left from there.

Karna released his breathe after Mahamahim went back as he turn around to leave until he sees eldest Kaurava walking towards him and his steps speed up when he notice karna.

"Mitr karna!!"

Duryodhana immediately went towards karna before pulling him in a tight hug while asking.

"Mahamahim told us that you went to meet your friend. How was the trip?"

How was the trip? Exhausting? Sorrowful? Or Happy? Comforting? Not good but not bad too? Just how was his trip? Well, karna never took a note of that, did he? It is was too much.

"it was exhausting" It is not a lie, it was exhausting as he suddenly has to go through so many emotions in just three weeks, one week in Sindhu and two weeks in Dwarka though he did got message from Ekalavya saying they had captured SindhuRaj and now Sindhu is under Magadh.

"I see, then you can take rest for today if you want"

"no, it's okay beside I am late. By the way, where are others?"

"Oh, you wanna see others? Come with me"

Duryodhana immediately grabbed karna's wrist as he pulled him with himself towards Kauravas room. Releasing karna's wrist, duryodhana opened the door while karna look at the finger marks on his wrist.................he seriously lost all his power and strength, now his body is not steel body, it can't handle too much power and strength on himself..............though, can't do anything about this, can he? He can't even summon astra. In actual, he remembers the mantra to summon the astra he wants but his now weak body, does not have strength to summon it and summoning any astra requires strength and power not just knowledge, to handle it.

"come karna"

"welcome bhrata.........karna. I can call you bhrata, right?"

"of course you can Dushasana,, I don't have any problem with that" Karna says, shaking his head as he felt a warm feeling engulf his heart when dushasana call him bhrata. It feels good to have such friends that can be trusted plus can be family too.

"by the way Duryodhana"


"where are Pandavas?" Karna asks as he look at Duryodhana whose face just went smiley to blank as he look back at karna before telling him to follow to his room.

Once they reach duryodhana's room, karna repeated his question as duryodhana replied "they are dead......or rumoured to be"

"w......what!?" Karna says in shock as his eyes went wide while duryodhana explained the thing that has happened in karna's absence about how Hastinapur got devided into two Parts - Hastinapur and Indraprastha until suddenly the place where Pandavas sleep after coronation, lakshagriha caught fire and there is no news of Pandavas after that as now almost everyone considers that Pandavas died in the fire while the fire in lakshagriha is duryodhana's plan.

"I don't know who has put fire in lakshagriha yet here we are though I know they aren't dead........they can't be, they are devputra for a reason"

Karna hear duryodhana saying as he felt confusion and truth inside the sentence, telling him that duryodhana really does not know about lakshagriha fire then who did that.......beside whoever that person is, they definitely want duryodhana to be put blame on otherwise they wouldn't had done it like that. They want duryodhana to be blamed plus Pandavas to be dead. Beside.......

"where are Pandavas then, if they are alive?"

"we don't know"

What the- they don't know where Pandavas are? Then where did Pandavas went? Where are they living right now?........Just three weeks.........just for three weeks, he was gone and this much happened, karna just-

"can't rest"


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