filipina glow

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poetry's charm eluded me, mere words a distant plea,
until laughter filled the air, april 3rd, you online with me.
how you poured your heart out, passions hitting me deep.

becoming a nurse, but not just any nurse,
your standards reaching far beyond.
stepping into others' shoes,
as your compassion mirrors my own muse.

now your name's a melody on my tongue,
a constant hum that drowns out all the noise.
suddenly, sonnets seem less stuffy, haikus hold hidden desires.
words bloom like wildflowers, tangled with longing.

you are the reason these pixels shimmer with possibility,
each message a whispered promise that bridges the distance.
is this what falling feels like? a freefall into connection,
a universe reflected in the glow of your silhouette.

maybe poetry can capture a flicker from the fire you ignite within.
but even the most eloquent verses fall short.

because you, my love, with features such as your dew-kissed skin,
a whisper of the philippines,
exude an exuberance that brightens every scene.

and as we journey through this digital maze,
our hearts entwined with a shared dream's embrace,
no words could ever capture this feeling so true,
but i long for the day i can subdue it all to you.

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