Chapter 10

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Prince Eli snatched the dragonling out of my grasp. The little guy instantly put up a fight, squirming and snarling desperately in the prince's hold. He wiggled enough to clamp his teeth on his hand. Swearing, he dropped the dragonling; he ran to my feet and climbed up to my shoulders. He spread his wings and growled at anyone who took a step toward me.

"Stop!" Quinn shouted, shoving Prince Eli back before he could make another attempt to take the dragonling. Both he and Camden made a formidable wall in front of me. "Don't touch Lyla or the dragonling."

King Krona narrowed his eyes on his youngest sons. "Quinn--Cam--you know the rules. Miss Feyton cannot be in possession of a dragon. Step aside."

"He imprinted on her. Taking him away from her would be taking his mother away."

King Krona studied me more closely--as best as he could with Quinn and Camden standing between us, anyway. "The young one does appear to be rather attached to Miss Feyton, but that doesn't change the Laws: it is forbidden for anyone to possess or harbour a beast of magic. They may start off in this world small, but they can become large and unpredictable. We are the exception, because when we Bond with our dragons, they gain some of our humanity, just as we gain their strength and power. Our dragons won't go on a rampage down our streets and destroy our walls."

I glanced at the dragonling, offering my hand to him; he rubbed his snout along my fingers, whole body purring against the side of my head. My heart ached. Deep down, I knew that I wouldn't be allowed to keep him. We all knew the Laws. But Quinn had been so adamant, I believed there might be a chance I wouldn't have to part with the little guy, that we'd figure it out, even if some of the logistics were outlandishly impossible for me to overcome.

"This is what's best for him," Queen Bethany assured me, seeing the turmoil within me. "We will look after him until he can be taken to Plum."

Gods, what a fool I was. Why did I let myself get carried in Quinn's sails? His life was full of extraordinary affairs and adventures. His life took him to places no one else could ever dream of going. His life was bound to a dragon, to the fate of our kingdom.

Not mine.

Releasing a shaky breath, I pulled the dragonling off my shoulders and held him out to my Queen. He made a noise of protest and wiggled in my grasp, but he didn't fight as hard as he had when Prince Eli took him away. Queen Bethany held him in her arms and made soft cooing noises at him to calm him down. I placed a trembling hand on top of his head and hushed him.

"Hey, it's okay, little guy," I promised gently. My voice wavered, and I cleared my throat in an attempt to appear composed. "You belong with them. They'll do right by you here."

He stilled at my words and looked up at me, those emerald green eyes shining bright. He may only be a few hours old, but he understood my words, understood what was happening.

In that moment, I saw a glimpse of what we could have had. Him curled up in a little bed I would have made for him while I endured my long nights of research or making potions for patients. Teaching him how to fly. Finding new creative ways to make room for him in my apartment as he got bigger. Of flying on his back and exploring Wala. Of our connection growing deeper, beyond words.

A lifetime of companionship and unconditional love.

And it was gone in a blink of an eye.

"Did you name him?" the queen asked softly. Her eyes held nothing but sympathy for me. Guess anyone could see how attached I'd gotten to the little one. Could any of them blame me? Since my father died, I've been by myself. Thinking about my future with the dragonling only made me realise how lonely I was. Sure, I had friends, who visited often, but it wasn't the same. None of them would leave the safety of the wall with me, not like the ferocious little bundle in the queen's arms would. He would follow me anywhere.

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