029. I love you

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"Sofia, stop it." kylie groaned, hiding her face in her pillows as her cousin flickered the light on and off. "Please, sof, my head hurts."
the light stopped flickering, and Sofia left it off. she came into the room and walked over to the bed, looking closely at kylie.
"You're hungover." she stated, a smile appearing on her face.
"No shit I'm hungover. did you see how much I drank last night?" kylie asked.
"Yeah, but you're kylie. you don't get hungover." Sofia said, matter of factly. "Actually, you did drink a lot -"
"Is this why you came in here? to lecture me about how much I drank?"
"Oh, no. we're all going to the beach, and I was sent to ask you if you both wanted to come with us."
"Uh," kylie glanced over at patrick, sleeping behind her with one arm draped loosely over her waist. "I'll wait till Pat wakes up and ask him. I might try and sleep off the hangover, too."
"Okay." Sofia nodded and began walking to the door, stopping just before she left. "Oh, by the way, you're the only two left here, so please lock the door when you leave."
"Yeah, okay." kylie smiled.
she could feel patricks hand sneaking underneath her shirt, making its way up to her boobs and cupping one of them. she grabbed his wrist and stopped his hand from moving.
"Wait." she whispered, listening to Sofias footsteps fade as she walked down the stairs and then the front door open and click shut.
"Okay, they're gone." she smiled, rolling over and hooking her hand around Patrick's neck to pull him in for a kiss.
"That took forever." he murmured into the kiss.
"Well, they're gone now, so let's make the most of it." kylie giggled, feeling one of Patrick's hands squeezing her waist.
he took his other hand and gripped kylies thigh, pulling her on top of him. he groaned as their kiss became more rough, layers of clothing hastily being removed and thrown off the side of the bed.

"This one or the dark blue one?" kylie asked, spinning around to show patrick the little red bikini she was wearing.
he looked up from his phone, his eyes wandering around her body.
"That one." he answered instantly, not taking a moment to think.
"That was quick." she remarked as she turned to put her shorts on.
"it's red." he answered.
she stood up straight, smiling at him from the mirror.
"What?" he asked, confused.
"Just you." she giggled. "Come on."

they left the room, closing the door behind them and turning to walk through the hall, only to be met with a small gasp from outside the room a door down from theirs.
they both looked up, and their eyes met with mateo, holding hands with a shorter blonde girl who kylie recognised as his most recent girlfriend.
the girl dropped mateos' hand and turned her head towards him, hiding her blushing cheeks whilst simultaneously revealing a chiefs logo on the side of her cap that made kylie let a small giggle escape her lips.
"You said we were alone!" she hissed, hitting his chest with the back of her hand.
"Sofia said we were." mateo put his hands up in defence and turned his gaze to kylie and patrick. "Please don't tell anyone she was here."
"they don't know about you two?" kylie asked.
"they know about us. just not that she's here." mateo admitted.
"You snuck in?" kylie asked the girl, who nodded shyly, her eyes staying glued to the floor.
"Oh mateo." kylie shook her head, sounding disappointed before a smile appeared on her face, and she began to laugh. "You're just like me, oh my god. wait, c'mere."
she dragged mateo away by his arm, saying something to him in Spanish and leaving patrick, and the girl stood awkwardly in the hall.
"Nice hat." he smiled at her
"wh- oh, thanks." she said, nervously smiling back at him.
kylie came almost skipping back over, a huge smile plastered on her face, making her nose scrunch up.
"C'mon, I wanna go swimming." she said, grabbing patricks hand and practically dragged him all the way to the beach, where they spent almost the entire day being in and out of the water, laying on the beach and hanging out with kylies family members.

as the sun began to set, the couple drifted further away from the family, going so deep into the water that kylies' feet couldn't touch the floor anymore.
patrick noticed and stopped to pick her up, wrapping his arms around her and placing his hands on her butt to support her. she instinctively wrapped her legs around his torso and rested her arms on his shoulders, looking down into his eyes. kylie loved his eyes. they were brown most of the time but when the light hit them in just the right way - like the sun was at that very moment - they turned a gorgeous pale Hazel green, and it mesmerised her.
"I could stay here forever." he murmured
"Me too." kylie sighed. "I almost don't wanna go back."
"Almost?" patrick questioned.
"Yeah, I miss sleeping in my own bed." she said.
"I miss sleeping in your bed, too." he smirked up at her. kylie let out a little laugh, moving her hands to hold Patricks face, and moved it closer to hers. she gently connected their lips for a short moment, and the couple shared a short but sweet kiss.
they broke apart but kept their faces close, staring into eachothers eyes.
"I love your eyes." kylie smiled, running her thumb softly against patricks cheek. "and your hair."
"I love you, ky." patrick whispered, moving his lips to kiss her again.
"I love you, too." she whispered back. patrick could feel her smiling into the kiss as he moved one of his arms and wrapped it around her torso, pulling her into him.
the sweet moment was interrupted by a cold hand landing on both of their shoulders.
"mateo-" kylie groaned in frustration as she pulled away from patrick.
"you guys realise fish have fucked in this water, right?" her cousin teased, splashing them both. "c'mon, were all going back now." he quickly swam away, dodging the clump of seaweed that kylie threw at him.
"fish don't even have sex." she huffed, which made patrick laugh.
she unwrapped her legs from around him and they both swam back to shore to meet up with everyone else.

sorry this update is so late, guys. I literally got locked out of my account, and it wouldn't let me change the password. I'm back now, tho :)

"END GAME" - ᴍᴀʜᴏᴍᴇs.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora