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(I decided to let the others have more interactions cause they don't talk enough, there's also other ships mentioned on this chapter and on the story from now on)

*They started walking around the catacombs, back to the exit to go to the playcare, but they were out of luck, cause the prototype started chasing them, they had to run, they saw the door and barely made it out, but they were face with a maze instead....*

Kickin:this wasn't here before....

Bubba:the prototype must have throwed things at us to distract us when going to the exit, making us go towards the maze instead....

Bobby:what do we do now?

Crafty:are we even gonna be able to find the exit of this maze?


Hoppy:what if the prototype is here with us?

Picky:there should be some sort of clue around here right?
Something that can show the path?

Crafty:it's quite dark in here....

*Crafty clinged to bobby out of fear, bobby blushed a bit and held her close*

*Kickin looked to the side, saw a spider screamed and jumped into someone's arms without realizing who it was, the others stared in silent, kickin the had a moment of realization and looked at who's arms he was on....bubba's!? He turned red as a tomato and panicked making him fall back on the ground, which startled bubba who checking*

*He passed his hand by the back of his head which hurt from the fall*

Bubba:are you okay?

Hoppy:oh I see you~

Kickin:shut up hoppy!
*Bubba helped him get up*

Kickin:srry for jumping in your amrs like that....

Bubba:nono, it's okay

*The crew started walking around trying to find an exit, Crafty was scared so she keep holding onto bobby, dogday was with catnap in the front, hoppy was just embarrasing kickin*

Hoppy:so....you like bubba huh~?

Kickin:shut up!
He could hear you!
And it's none of your bussiness!


*Meanwhile bubba and picky*

Picky:do they realize we can hear them?

Bubba:probably not

Picky: you should confess yk?

Bubba:I mean, Ik I should
But I'm gonna wait a bit more
I'm gonna give him hints slowly, after all, he looks cute when he's embarrassed

Picky:so you're one of those?

Bobby:did I hear that someone's confessing?
You should make a picnic and invite him!

Crafty:you mean a date?

Bobby:same thing
And dw I'll help you with it!
After all it's my specialty~

Picky:and I'll take care of the food!

Of course, thanks for the help


Picky: it's np

*Meanwhile with dogday and catnap in the front*

Dogday:you good?


Dogday:I don't get it....why does the prototype only go after you?
Why can't he leave you alone?
I just don't want you to get hurt....
From now on you're not going anywhere without me.
And that's a promise.



*Catnap nodded, he leaned his head on dogday's shoulder, and wrapped his arms around dogday's neck, closing his eyes, dogday looked at him and smiled softly before kissing catnap on the forehead*

*Back with the others*

Hoppy:when you gonna tell him?

Kickin:I'm not!

Hoppy:you're not fooling anyone yk?

Kickin:shut up.


Oh, yes bubba?

Bubba:can you come here rq?


*Kickin went towards bubba who suddently grabbed his hand and pick him up in a bridal style just like dogday did with catnap, kickin got extremelly embarrassed and hid his face in his hands while bubba laughed*

You look like a tomato-

Kickin:put me down!

Picky:oh wow, didn't know he had the guts to do that

Hoppy:they're gonna get together just see

Crafty:they do look cute tho

Bobby:they really do!

*It has been 30 minutes since they've been walking*

Crafty:I'm tired of walking.....

Bobby:want me to carry you?

*Crafty blushed and refused*

Crafty:n-no i-it's okay I can walk-

You sure?


Hoppy:is everyone just gonna be a couple?



Picky:don't start rn


Picky:it's not rude to refuse a request from your girlfriend~


*They all keep talking, luckly they haven't seen the prototype, but they ended up running into a dead end do they had to turn around, and all of the sudden their flashlight ran out of battery so they were in the complete dark without any source of light, they stayed still for a moment*



*Crafty held onto bobby tighter*

Bubba:we're out of light huh?

Hoppy:what now?
We can't see shit!

Catnap:you guys can't but I can

Bobby:I forgot cats can see in the dark-

Catnap:do you guys wanna go to the left or right?

Picky:let's go left

Catnap:right then

Picky:that's not what I said-

*They ended up going to the right and followed catnap's instructions of the path since they couldn't see anything at all and after another hour or so they finally found the exit and got out of the maze, but they were in a whole new area, luckly catnap knew the path, so they were able to make it back to the playcare.*

*When they got back they immediatly went to take care of catnap, changing his bandages and cleaning the wounds, feeding him, and keep him arm, they decided to have a sleepover to make sure they all stayed near each other so nothing bad would happen*

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