Round 1: Character Select

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Since he was just a kid, Raven had been enchanted by the world of video games

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Since he was just a kid, Raven had been enchanted by the world of video games. His first encounter with a Playstation sparked a love affair that would last a lifetime, filling his days with virtual battles and epic adventures with his friend Carlos, who shared the same hobbies as Raven. Little did he know, that same sense of wonder and excitement would resurface in an unexpected way.

As the thunder struck in a dark forest, Raven found himself face to face with Kazuya Mishima, poised to unleash the Electric God Fist. Suddenly, his reverie was interrupted by the blaring of his alarm clock, jolting him awake with a start. With a groan, Raven realized he had overslept. He glanced at the clock, then leaped out of bed and scrambled to get ready for school. His mind raced with thoughts of the first day of senior high school in a new place, realizing he was running late. Like Sonic the Hedgehog, he dashed out the door.

Raven arrived at school just in time, relief flooding him as he spotted his childhood friend Carlos. Fortunately, they were classmates. At lunch time while searching for the perfect spot to enjoy their lunch during the bustling lunch hour, Raven and Carlos decided that the gymnasium would be the ideal place. As they settled down on the bleachers, their hunger pangs were soon forgotten as they launched into a series of gaming-related jokes and talks about videogames.

Their laughter filled the gymnasium until they were interrupted by the sudden appearance of a group of seniors. With a sneer, the seniors began to harass Raven and Carlos, mocking them for being "button mashers" and "nerds." Caught off guard, Raven and Carlos exchanged uneasy glances, unsure of how to respond to the unwelcome attention. But before things could escalate further, a voice cut through the tension.

"Hey there, looks like you two could use some backup," came the cheerful voice of Mark, a senior student who exuded confidence and charisma.

With a reassuring smile, Mark introduced himself as a grade 12 student and promptly diverted the attention of the seniors away from Raven and Carlos. With his quick wit and charm, Mark effortlessly defused the situation, leaving Raven and Carlos in awe of his bravery.

As the seniors begrudgingly backed off, Mark turned to Raven and Carlos with a grin. "Looks like you two is new here" and Mark happened to overhear their conversation earlier and Ask if he could also join in playing with them. Excited by the prospect of teaming up with their friend, Raven and Carlos eagerly accepted the invitation. From that moment on, their evenings were filled with laughter and camaraderie as they embarked on virtual heists and epic car chases in the digital world.

As the days turned into weeks, Raven found himself growing increasingly fond of their gaming sessions, reveling in the thrill of victory and the camaraderie of teamwork. One night, as they celebrated yet another successful mission, Raven couldn't help but blurt out, "I love this game more than anything ; nobody will change my mind!"

His words hung in the air, resonating with a truth that went beyond the pixels on the screen. For Raven, gaming wasn't just a hobby-it was a refuge, a source of joy and connection in a world filled with uncertainty.

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