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I groaned as my alarm clock went off bringing me back to reality... the sad truth about my life and how it sucked.

I picked up my alarm clock, it was only 6:30. I placed it back on my nightstand before sitting up on my bed. My head was spinning and I felt kinda dizzy.  I managed to get up and drag myself to the bathroom to take a shower. When I was done, I put on my baggy pants and hoodie which boldly stated "I HATE MONDAYS." behind it.

I was in no mood to look pretty.

I ruffled my hair and applied a little lipgloss and some powder.

I was walking down the stairs to join my siblings for breakfast then i tripped and landed face flat. My siblings had a good laugh but I wasn't finding it funny. It was already bad enough that today was a Monday... could it get any worse.

I got up and went to the dining table where my siblings were seated having breakfast.

"Oh how nice of you to join us your majesty. I must say that was quite an entrance." said my younger brother Luke in a very ridiculous accent. The rest of my siblings chuckled while I rolled my eyes and ignored them.

My family was a special one. My mom and dad were an interracial couple so my siblings and I were all mixed up. I am the oldest, I look just like my dad except I had brown curly hair and hazel brown eyes instead of dad's dark brown eyes. My immediate younger brother Luke looked nothing like me. He was blonde and had ocean blue eyes just like mom. He was a year younger than me and a little too jacked for a 15 year old.

After Luke was Trent. Trent was two years younger than Luke. Unlike Luke, Trent looked like me. He had brown curly crew cut hair and he was dark skinned like dad and I. The only exception was that he had mom's blue eyes which probably made him the cutest one of my siblings.

Next came the twins, Zack and Zoey. They were 10 year olds. They looked so much alike that you could hardly tell the difference if it weren't for Zoey's long, silky blonde hair. They looked just like mom and Luke.

Being children of an interracial couple was hard, I mean racism and all but it never stopped us from loving each other. I made sure to remind my siblings that although we were not of the same race and colour, we were still family and family is all that matters.

"Where's mom?" I asked.

"Out" said Zoey.

"Of course" I said sounding not so surprised. My mom was the kind that would leave to work early and come back late. We never really spent time much with her. She was always busy with work, being a surgeon and all so we barely got to see her.

"And Trent?" I asked, scanning the room for him.

"Probably somewhere wondering why a square plus b square equals c square." said Luke.

"It's called the Pythagoras theorem you idiot." snapped Trent as he approached us with a voluminous book in his hands.

"No one cares Einstein." replied Luke.

"Alright if you guys are done arguing can we get going?" I asked.

"Sure" they chorused.

We grabbed our stuff and entered the car. The ride was pretty quiet although my head still hurt and my eyelids felt really heavy. When I got to school, I recognised many familiar faces. I greeted a few people and made my way to my locker. I was pretty popular around the school because:
A. I was on the cheerleading squad that was until I decided to quit cheerleading.
B. I dated one of the most popular guys in the school for 3 years. Unfortunately, he and I broke up some months ago.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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