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Heather drove Walker and I to a restaurant, Walker making me stay in the car until he came around and opened the door, before she left to go run errands.

Walker interlocked our hands before leading me into the restaurant, opening the door for me before we approach the front desk.

"Uh, 6:00 reservation for Scobell." Walker said, the waitress smiling and nodding before grabbing 2 menus and leading us to a table.


After we had eaten a few breadsticks and made small talk, the waitress came by and took our orders.

"Of course you got fettuccine alfredo." Walker laughs at me after the waitress leaves.

"Don't judge me Mr. spaghetti and meatballs." I chuckle, taking a sip of my lemonade.

"Spaghetti is a classic." Walker argues.

"So is fettuccine alfredo." I reply.

"Ok fine you win." Walker gave up, smiling softly at me.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask him quietly.

"Because you're pretty." Walker replies easily, reaching across the table and taking my hand in his.

"Thank you." I say, squeezing his hand softly. "You're very handsome."

"Shut up, I'm supposed to be complimenting you." Walker giggles.

The waitress came back with our food after he said that, setting our food in front of us. "Enjoy your meal."

"Thank you." I smiled before she walked away.

"She walked away before I said thank you." Walker laughed.


We finished eating and paid for our food before Heather came and picked us up, driving through downtown and onto a few of the backroads before pulling into a ranch.

"There's bathrooms in the front building, you brought clothes to change into right?" Heather speaks, turning around to look at me.

"Oh, uh, yeah." I nod, grabbing the bag Abby gave me before I left.

Heather smiles at me before we all 3 get out of the car, walking to the tan building at the end of the parking lot and walking inside.

Heather talks to the guy at the desk while I head into the bathroom and change into the jeans and t-shirt Abby packed me.

I put my dress in the bag before leaving the bathroom, where Heather takes the bag from me and leaves us with one of the workers, who looks like he's in his early 20's.

"What're we doing here?" I ask Walker quietly as he takes hold of my hand, interlocking our fingers as the worker leads us outside.

"Do you remember when we were filming for The Adam Project and you told me you've never ridden a horse before?" Walker asks.

"Absolutely fucking not." I reply truthfully. "You didn't."

"I did. Well, our parents did, technically." Walker says as the worker brings us toward a large, open green pasture with several horses grazing around. "Because it's a disgrace for you to have done everything you have but to have never ridden a horse."

"Rude." I mumble as I look at the horses, watching them as they mill around peacefully.

"Also, I knew you'd like it. Not only because you love pretty much every animal-"

I interrupt him. "Except spiders."

"Yes, I know, except spiders." Walker rolls his eyes. "But I knew you'd like it because they don't do restrictions. The horses and other animals aren't fenced in or tied up or anything, it's just a big open plain. The only fences are the boundary lines for the property."

"You're seriously the best person ever." I tell him as the worker leads two of the horses over.

"This is Buttercup." The worker says, stroking the brown horse's mane. "And this is Chip." He adds, patting the black and white speckled one's head.

"They're so beautiful." I say as the worker instructs Walker and I on how to get closer to them.

"So what we're going to do is I'm going to help you two lead them back to the stables, then we'll get some saddles and reins on them and you guys can go for a ride around the pasture." The worker explains.

"Sounds great." Walker smiles at me before we begin leading the horses back to the stables, the worker giving us directions and leading us there.

He told us his name is Chuck, which made me and Walker giggle a bit since Walker's character always made fun of the kid named Chuck in The Adam Project.

Once we got to the stables, Clark demonstrated with his own horse and showed us how to get the saddles and stuff on, then helping us to do it ourselves.

After that was done, he helped us onto the horses, showing us how to get on.

I got Chip and Walker got Buttercup, because Chip just liked me more than Walker.

Everyone does.


Chuck started leading us around the pasture on the horses for a while before leaving us to explore by ourselves.


After our ride time was up Chuck came back and helped us take the saddles and stuff off before we said goodbye to Chip and Buttercup, leading them back to the other horses.

We started walking back up to the building and Chuck was talking to us about random stuff, telling us about horses.

"Um, I was talking to the woman who brought you guys earlier." Chuck says as we approach the building.

"That's my mom." Walker tells him.

"Right, I was talking to your mom. She said I could ask..could I get your guys' autographs? My little sister is obsessed with The Adam Project and her birthday's coming up. It'd mean a lot." Chuck asks nervously.

"Oh, of course." I nod as we enter the building. "Do you have something for us to sign?"

"Yeah, yeah it's on my desk." Chuck says, leading us over to one of the desks along the wall and unrolling a poster of The Adam Project. "She's redecorating her room, so I thought I'd get her a poster for her favorite movie. I was gonna just put it up in her room but then I saw your guys' name on the rep sheet for today.." He shrugs.

"You have a black sharpie?" Walker asks, Chuck immediately producing one from his desk drawer and handing it to Walker.

He quickly writes something on it and signs it, then hands me the pen.

Adam > Mickey
She's lame

Followed by his whacked out signature that looks like a scribble.

"You're so annoying." I shake my head at him.

"You like it." He grins at me as I write on and sign the poster.

"What's her name?" I ask Chuck, who answers immediately.

"Lily. One L, not 2." He tells me.

He's so conceited it's not even funny.
Happy birthday Lily


"There you go, tell her we said happy birthday." I smile, handing the sharpie back to him.

"Thank you guys, so much. This will mean a lot to her." Chuck grins, weighting down the corners of the poster so the sharpie can dry fully.

"It's no problem." Walker assures as my dad walks into the building, smiling at us.

"Holy shit." Chuck mumbles, making Walker and I laugh. "That's Ryan Reynolds."

My dad smirks smugly as he walks over to where we are. "That's me."

"Here dad, sign this poster. It's for Chuck's little sister Lily." I tell him, and Chuck holds out the sharpie.

"Okay bossy." My dad laughs a bit before signing his name on the poster. "Ready to go?"

"Yep." Walker nods, waving goodbye to Chuck before wrapping his arm around my waist and we walk out of the building.

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