Chapter 1: Sierra

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Most of the characters in this story are ones I created (Sierra, Sierra's family, the coaches, Wellington Figure Skating School, and Sierra's friends). 


          For figure skaters who wish to become the world's best, figure skating becomes more than just a sport, it becomes their way of life. My name is Sierra Tracy and here's my story.

          I started skating when I was three and the coaches noticed my talent and that's how I got the offer to be in the Wellington Figure Skating School, the top skating school in the U.S. The only way to get into the skating school was through an invite from a coach who thought that you had potential. When I was seven and in Basic 3, Coach Alena Taylor had seen something in me and offered to coach me. Coach Alena Taylor was from Russia and was an incredible skater and she then married her current American husband and moved here to the U.S. She had coached three other young girls before taking me on who had won the national championships and a few world championships.

          Currently I am sixteen years old and by this point I had become the youngest female skater to have ever successfully landed a quad jump in competition when I was only twelve as well as won the national championships and a few world championships. I was also not only well known for being the top female skater in the U.S but also because my mother had been a very successful actress so it felt weird to be recognized out in public.

          "Alright Sierra, I want a good full run of your long program from the top," Coach Taylor said. It was currently early November 2017. 

          "Okay," I said. I skated off and got into my starting position. My long program music, "Swan Lake", started playing and I began my program. I managed to hit my ending position just as the music ended and held my ending position a few seconds before I got up, breathing heavily. I then skated up to Coach Taylor. 

          "Do you think that will be good for the nationals?" I asked, grabbing my water bottle and then took a drink out of it. 

          "If you can perform just as well as you just practiced, you'll be good. Remember that every good skate and win will help you get a spot at the 2018 Olympics. Also before you leave, would you be open to helping with the big annual summer skating camp this upcoming summer? We also have decided to add two additional weeks, one for the free skate levels and one for the basic levels."

          "Sure I can do that, are we starting it at the usual time?"


          "Okay sounds good. See you later!"

          I then got off of the ice and put my hard guards on. I sat down on the bench in the locker room and took my skates off and put on my normal shoes. I drove back to my house which was not even a ten minute drive. My mother greeted me at the door. 

          "Hey honey! I know you just got back but can you pick up your brother from Hannah's house? I would but I have an important task to tackle."


          My fourteen year brother, Kevin, also had gotten interested in ice skating but he chose to do pairs ice dance instead of solo figure skating. His ice dance partner, Hannah Collins, was just a few months younger than he was.

          I set my skating bag down and drove to Hannah's house. Once I pulled up into the driveway and parked, I texted Kevin. I had to wait a few minutes before he finally came out. He then hopped into the front passenger seat.

          "Are you sure that you two are just friends and ice dance partners?" I teasingly asked him, giving him a mischievous smirk.

          "Yes I'm sure we're nothing more than just friends and ice dance partners," Kevin responded, rolling his eyes playfully, "And speaking of being more than just friends, you need to find yourself a good guy."

          In case you're wondering, I am single. I had never had any interest in any of the guys that I have met at this point and then not to mention that most of my time anymore is spent skating training and my schoolwork. Coach Taylor suggested that I should be homeschooled so that I will have a more flexible schedule for skating.

          "Thank you for the reminder," I sarcastically said, "You know that I'm too busy to be able to put the necessary time into a relationship, especially since I want to go to the Olympics."

          "Yeah, you practically live at the ice arena."

          "You also practically live at the ice arena too. What music are we feeling?"

          "Taylor Swift?"

          "I should've known," I said, giving my brother a playful grin. 

          I then started the Taylor Swift song list that Kevin had shared with me just a few years ago. 

          We got back home in time for me to help my mom with the family recipe vegetable soup while Kevin helped set the table.

          "Dinner is ready!" Mom called. Soon, my father along with my two other younger siblings came. We prayed (Yes, my family and I are Christians) before we began to eat our food. 

          "So how were your days?" Dad asked.

          "Mine was good, Coach Taylor had me run my programs today. And she asked me to help out with the annual summer training camp again but they're adding two other programs to it." 

          "Oh really, what other programs?" my mom asked. 

          "They're adding a week of the free skate levels and a week of the basic levels." 

          "That'll be interesting to see how that goes," my dad said. 

          "Yeah, I'm planning on advertising the summer training camp on my YouTube channel, I'll work on it tomorrow." 


          "It was good, Hannah and I had a good practice and then we played some Wii at her house and then Sierra came and picked me up." 

          "Good to hear! Did you do full runs of your programs?" my dad asked. 

         "Yeah, I think Hannah and I will be ready for nationals." 

          "Good to hear!" my mom said, then she turned to my sister, "How was your day?" 

          "It was okay," my younger sister, Melissa said simply. 

         "Kyle?" my dad asked. 

          "I think it went well," my youngest brother, Kyle, said. As I had said before, I am the oldest of my family with Kevin being the next oldest, then Melissa, and Kyle is the baby of our family so to speak. 

          "I'm done with dinner, may I be excused?" I asked, "I have some homework to do before I head to bed." 

          "Yes you may," my dad said. I stood up, took my dishes to the sink, and then went to my bedroom. I opened up my laptop and began working my English homework. By the time I finished my homework, it was eight o'clock. I got ready for bed, prayed, and then fell asleep. 

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