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Hey Ads, I didn't know if you
were gonna text me or not.
But now that I have your
number, would you wanna get
together soon? On your

It has a been a couple hours since I'd met up with Quinn, and honestly it had felt really nice of talk to him again. I hadn't just missed Luke, his family had always been a part of a life, so I missed them as well.

While I was laying in my bed, deciding what to text Luke back, I head a knock on my door.

When I went to answer it, I was met with nobody there, but something left on the ground.

When I picked them up to put them on my counter I noticed a note stuck into the arrangement, "It was nice to see you last night, I cannot put into words how much I've missed you

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When I picked them up to put them on my counter I noticed a note stuck into the arrangement, "It was nice to see you last night, I cannot put into words how much I've missed you. - Lukey"

yea, i think that would be
nice. i had lunch with quinn today
and it was fun. he invited me to your
guys' game on saturday
also thank you 💐💖

He told me about you guys having
Would you wanna go out after the
game with my family? Everyone's
gonna be in town
You deserve everything.

that sounds nice
i've missed ellen a lot

Okay i see where I stand in
your ranking of my family members

you and your brothers will never
compare to your mom

I get that
I don't think I can wait to see you until
Saturday. Do you wanna come over to my
place now?

well that sure was forward of you lukey
but yeah, i think i'd like that

Come whenever, I'll be here

I immediately ran into Audrey's room to let her know what I was going to be going and all she said was, "Go get you some," so I took it as a good sign.

I kept on the striped linen pants and white baby tee I already had on and grabbed some sunglasses.

When I left my apartment I quickly made my way to the subway. The entire way to Luke's apartment I was thinking about the fact I hadn't even truly known who he was now.

Him asking me to go to his apartment was completely out of character for him, or who he was when I knew him.

After an about 30 minute subway ride, I finally made it to Newark. Throughout my time living in Manhattan, I'd only visited New Jersey a handful of times.

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