8. Oopsies

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"LN, put your clothes on. Go to your room and dry off."

"She's not done cleaning."

"Have Hawks finish it." Nest poked his head out from behind Ghost.

"LN, come."

I pulled my pants on and icked at the soggy shirt.

He walked me to my room.

"Take a shower and get ready for dinner."

"Yes sir. Thank you."

I did as told and hurried to the mess hall.

"My fucking knees..." I looked at Nest as he walked up to me in line.

"Imagine how I feel. I was doing it in shorts."

He sighed and we got our food.

"I wonder why. That's so weird. It's like he's obsessed with you or something."

"I hope not!"

"Speak of the devil. Here he comes!" Nest whispered.

I turned to look at Konig as he walked over with a tray of food.

Suddenly Ghost appeared in front of me.

"LN. Hawks. My office. Bring your food."


I glanced at Nest who looked just as worried.

We began to follow Ghost and I turned to look at Konig.

He looked pissed.

The tray he was holding snapped in half and sent food flying everywhere.

"Oh lord." Nest whistled.

We finally made it to Ghost's office and he motioned for us to take a seat.

He placed a "meeting: do not disturb" sign up and closed the door.


Nest and I glanced at each other before eating.

Ghost ate his food in silence and so did we.

Ghost looked up and at the door so I did too.

I saw a large shadow come across the frosted window.

I'm 100% sure that's Konig.

Ghost began to talk loudly about how we were slacking off during training and that if we didn't wanna be put back in cleaning duties, to pick up the pace.

Konig left and dinner was over.

"Get out. And be careful out there." Ghost said before we walked away with our trays.

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