Chapter 49 - Fighting Against Commander Hai (1)

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Dzing! Jleb!

"Ah, Luo!"

Drip! Drip!

Blood dripped to the ground as Nan Luo gripped his arms. That was a close call. The arrow barely brushed against his left arm as he evaded. His eyes stared to the front where there were several people standing there.

From the looks of it, there was an army stationed here.

"Commander Hai." Long Qian Xing furrowed his eyebrows. "What's the meaning of this?"

Commander Hai.

If Nan Luo was not wrong, Hai was the surname of the second prince's maternal family. It seemed that the second prince was well prepared and even asked those from his maternal family to come and help.

"Tsk, so you're still alive, Qian Xing." Commander Hai clicked his tongue when he saw that Long Qian Xing was alive. He had already asked his men to poison both Emperor Yang Zhou and Long Qian Xing so that the two of them would never escape.

His men didn't do anything good at all.

"Ah, so it was you who tamper the food." Long Qian Xing chuckled. "Unfortunately, such tricks won't give any effect on me."

He had been poisoned by his sister numerous times in the past to the point that he had developed various immunities. But of course, there were still some poisons he had to steer away no matter what the cost.

"Give way, Commander Hai, and I'll give you a chance." Emperor Yang Zhou looked at Commander Hai with indifferent expression.

"Do you really think that it's possible, Your Majesty?" The last two words were said in a mocking tone. Commander Hai waved his hand, instructing his men to ready their bow once more. "From the very beginning, you shouldn't have put me in the palace at all."

"Really, what a shame." Emperor Yang Zhou didn't seem to care. "Kill them all."

"With pleasure." Long Qian Xing chuckled and dashed forward.

Dzing! Dzing!

Tak! Tak!

The arrow that was shot was easily deflected by Long Qian Xing. The soldiers around Commander Hai were not that much of an expert, so he didn't have much difficulty. Upon reaching Commander Hai, Long Qian Xing drew his sword.


"Tsk, are you really only 12 years old?" Commander Hai swung his hand with an annoyed expression.

"I'm already 13 years old not long ago." Long Qian Xing smiled and dashed forward once more. His movement grew faster as he rushed over and traded blows with the commander once more.

"Nan Luo, help him."


Nan Luo might not like Long Qian Xing, but he disliked this commander even more. His small body hopped forward while the other soldiers from the other side rushed with their swords. They wanted to prevent anyone from getting close to their commander.

'Too slow.'

Slash! Swish! Slash!

His small body moved agilely between the soldiers before he reached Long Qian Xing's side. The sword he carried was not the usual training sword but a real sword. The surface was faintly tainted with blood as he killed the soldier who blocked his way.

His movement suggested that it was not his first time.

Appearing right beside Commander Hai, Nan Luo had no hesitation as he swung his sword.

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