Chapter 2 - Roommates

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When Rory arrived at the door of her apartment in Bed-Stuy, it was already dark, and she heard muffled music blasting through the walls on the top floor. She craned her neck back to catch sight of the uppermost window, which was flashing neon lights. She sighed.

She and her roommate lived below a pack of college seniors, so there wasn't a single night when partying was off-limits. To make things worse, Rory's roommate, who she'd connected with through a roommate finding app, was a recent graduate who wasn't keen on transitioning into adulthood. The noise didn't seem to bother her, and she often took to similar activities, like coming home from partying and knocking things over at 1:00AM, often waking Rory up.

Rory had read several books to combat her chronic insomnia. But aside from the hassle, the rent was cheaper than any apartment in that area, and astronomically cheaper than anything in Manhattan. For two years Rory had put up with the annoyances and promised herself she'd move out when she got a better job, but she still didn't know when that would be, or what she planned to do. The truth was, Rory had tried to interview for other jobs, but she had a hard time dealing with rejection, and her anxiety of fear of rejection made her do poorly in interviews and, well... It was a vicious circle.

There used to be a time in her life where she had big dreams, but the frustrations of adult life wore her down over time. She couldn't even put a finger on exactly what caused it. Maybe it was the fact that even entry-level jobs required years of experience, or the simple stress of paying bills in a city where rent was astronomical. Or perhaps it was the simple fact of having no family to rely on other than her uncle, who hated the fact she was his sister's daughter.

Regardless of what caused her negative feelings, she felt utterly drained as she braved the stairs of her walk-up and arrived at the 5th floor. When she opened the door she wasn't surprised to see her roommate, who was a blonde, five foot seven former sorority girl, lathering on mascara with a pocket mirror over the living room table.

"Hi." Melissa said to Rory, taking a swig of the red wine she had in a cup next to her.

"Hi." Rory responded, quickly going to the kitchen to get herself a glass of water so she could disappear into her room.

"Our upstairs neighbors are having a party." Melissa said, as if it wasn't obvious.

"Mhm." Rory said.

"They left a note under our door inviting both of us to go."

Melissa pulled a crumpled piece of paper out of the back pocket of her jeans and unfolded it on the table for Rory to see. Rory walked over with her glass of water and peered at it. It was written in horrible chicken-scratch handwriting, but Rory could more or less make it out:

Lissa, party in 6F tonight. Bring ur roommate. Forgot her name. And BYOB.

Rory grimaced.

"Actually, I'm pretty tired, so I think I'll pass. But tell them thanks for inviting me."

Melissa crumpled the paper in her hand, tossed it aside.

"You know, one of the guys who lives there told me that he's into you."

"Uh. I'm not interested."

Melissa rolled her eyes and glared at Rory.

"If you don't come this time, they'll probably never invite you again."

The idea didn't sound that bad to Rory.

"It's alright. They probably wouldn't like me anyway."

Melissa groaned.

"Not like you'd ever know."

Rory didn't know how to respond, so she just stood there awkwardly frozen, holding her glass of water.

"Forget it." Melissa sighed. "I just think... and no offense, but you're not as weird as you think you are. If you gave people a chance, maybe you could have more friends."

"Hmm." Rory said. "Thanks, I guess."

Her roommate turned back to her pocket mirror and lathered on some dark lipstick.

"Alright. See ya."

"Goodnight." Rory said, making her way into her room and closing the door, relieved to be in her own space. The music was still quite loud coming from above, but it was nowhere near as bad as Rory would feel if she were actually inside the party. She put in some earphones, blasted a playlist of her favorite anime scores, and laid down in bed, waiting for the party to blow over. 

Before she knew it, she was asleep.



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