6. Night One

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"[Y/N], wake up. We need to leave" Your roommate gently shakes you awake. You sit up from your bed, "Oh okay". You grab your bag and walk toward the door but you freeze. You feel your leg being yanked back. Your eyes widen to see two white eyes looking up at you. You yank your leg back from the creature only for it to sting again like the last time. You back into the wall as you watch the creature stand. It's tall. You're half it's size. You hear screams from the other room which only makes the creature charge at you. You dodge its attack as it rams its hand into the mirror. The mirror shatters into pieces and they fall to the floor. That's it. You need a weapon but how to get to it when it's standing right there. You back up to the desk and reach for the lamp behind you. The creature charges again but this time you go to hit it with the lamp. You stop when you notice it isn't attacking. It's like the light is hurting it. You spot the hand of the creature melting and an idea springs into your mind. You let the light fully shine onto the creature and run out of the room.

"Guys?!" You shout. You turn the corner to run into someone. You glance up to see Tyler and the rest of the group, you sigh of relief. "[Y/N], are you okay?" He bends down in front of you. "Totally" Sarcasm drips from your voice. You stand with Tyler's help but he grabs your wrist, "What happened to your arm?". "The thing you called a prank earlier grabbed me. It got my leg too but we can't worry about me right now" You pull your arm back. "Emma and Sarah are still in there!" Taylor says. "No, they're not. My roommate wasn't beside me when I woke up" You inform, "So I don't think anyone else is here but us". Ashlyn nods, "I agree with [Y/N]".

The doorknob starts to wiggle and the door begins to creak open before Ben slams it shut. "That could've been bad" Aiden chuckles. "Could've?! Stop taking this as a joke! The sky is red for crying out loud!" Tyler shouts. "Well, whining about it isn't going to do anything". "And laughing about it is?!" Tyler argues. "Knock it off, both of you!" You pinch the bridge of your nose. "Guys... look down" Taylor mutters. You look over the balcony to see a bunch of those creatures, staring and smiling up at the seven of you. A chill goes down everyone's spine. "How far is your room?" Ashlyn asks Aiden. "About five or six doors down" Aiden replies. You watch as the creatures start to run toward you. Your gut shouts at you to think of something but your mind is blank. "Aiden, give me the string from your shorts" Ashlyn demands. "Kay, why?" Aiden asks. "I have an idea".

"I'm going to tie the door to the pole over there" Ashlyn points to the shabby pole. "Two weak strings and a shabby pole?! Yeah like it's going to keep that closed!" Tyler shouts. "At least she has an idea!" You argue. "It'll stay closed long enough for Ben and I to make a run for it. You guys go!" The creatures start to climb over the railing, "I said go!". You grind your teeth as you grab Logan's wrist and make a run for it. You're starting to feel the burning sensation in your leg. You sit on the couch beside the door as Tyler and Logan peek out the door, Taylor right behind them. "I see them!" Logan informs. Ashlyn, Ben, and Aiden make it inside and Ashlyn locks the door. The creatures outside bang on the door, startling everyone. "We should put the couch against the door" Ashlyn sighs. You get up so Ben can push the couch in front of the door. You sit beside Logan, looking down at your right arm before you realize he's shaking. You wrap an arm around Logan and gently push his head to lean on your shoulder before resting your hand on his left arm. He seems to relax at your touch.

Aiden starts to chuckle out of nowhere, making everyone look at him. "Why are you laughing this time? It's like we're in a zombie movie and that's supposed to be funny?" Tyler is the first to say something. "Yeah," Aiden replies. "Is he insane or something?" Tyler mutters. "Your arm is scratched up? I thought I got you out of the way in time" Aiden notices Ashlyn's hurt arm. "You did. I think this happened at the Sorrel Weed House" Ashlyn explains. "It did" You confirm. "You mean you two knew it was real and didn't think to mention it to us?!" Tyler glances back and forth between you and Ashlyn. "You left before we could. Right now isn't the time to think about that. We need a plan" You state. "Why should we listen to anything you say? This is probably both of your faults anyway!" Tyler argues.

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