A little deeper 🍼

281 12 13

Little🍼: Felix
Caregiver: Changbin
1444 words

It was a nice and sunny Tuesday afternoon and Changbin just got back from the coffee shop near the JYP building. Today, his schedule was pretty laid back and easy. He only had to do some lyric writing with the rest of 3RACHA.

As he happily walks up the stairs, he accidentally bumps into someone. Almost spilling all of the coffee!

The person barely paid attention to him though, Changbin thought that was a bit strange but he just let it go since he didn't want the drinks to get cold.

After a few more staircases, he finally gets back to the studio and knocks on the door before entering, setting the coffee on the table he gets seated and continues working. But, he can't stop thinking about that guy now that he's back at the studio. Han seems to take note of this, making sure that his Hyung is okay.

"Hyung, you okay? You seem pretty distracted" this catches Changbin's attention and he looks over at him "Huh....?" He then answers, making up a lie as to not worry Han.

"Yeah I'm okay, sungie. Just a little stumped on what else to write" he says as he gives Han a small smile, trying to be more believable. It actually sways Han since he's so gullible. Soon, both are disrupted by Chan's phone beginning to ring. "Oh, it's our maknae. Hold on." Chan answers his phone and listens to whatever nonsense the youngest is currently spewing.

He soon hangs up the phone and he chuckles to himself "What's so funny?" Han says with a smile, happy that Chan doesn't seem so stressed. "Innie called just to tell me a joke that Minnie told him, surprisingly, they're already done with their schedules. I thought they had more to do" he says in a more amused tone.

"I guess they don't, but doesn't Felix and Lee know have extra vocal practice today?" Han asks, just wondering since that's what Felix told him this morning. "Yeah, lixie has a bit more to do today. So does Lee know" Changbin responds.

After their small talk, they continue writing some new lyrics and coming up with new songs. Then again, Chan's phone rings. He gives a small sigh and answers it "Hello?" Is all he says, Changbin and Han watch as another smile forms on his face "Yeah, that's adorable. Sungie and bin will be back to the dorms too, I'm sure they'll be happy to see that as their reward for their good work today" Chan gives a few more responds to the person on the phone and hangs up again.

"Alright guys, in about.....20 more minutes you can head back to the dorms. There are people waiting for you" Chan says with a teasing and a delighted smile.

Little did they know, is that the cutest little thing is waiting for their hyungs to take care of them.

A few pages of lyrics later, the dreadful 20 minutes has finally passed and 3RACHA gets to go back to the dorms. Changbin grabs his bag and packs his stuff up quickly, already having an image in his mind of what might be waiting for him.

They all go down the flight of stairs and reach the bottom of the building, they exit it and see the car already waiting for them. It was so convenient, how they could just dial a number and be able to get home safely.

Changbin is on his phone, searching up little gear to get his little. He finds an adorable yellow rubber duck for the bath and almost immediately puts it into his Amazon cart. Chan sees this and just watches as Changbin fills his cart with expensive toys. Meanwhile, Han is resting his head on the car window and trying to get some sleep in. He was excited to see the little surprise when they get back.

The excruciatingly long car ride was over after 30 minutes due to traffic, Changbin sprints up the stairs and puts in the code to the door, harshly opening it. The most innocent thing catches his eye, Felix. Felix was wearing his onesie covered in little baby chicks with his white and yellow pacifier in his mouth.

He was happily sucking on it while watching Bluey on the tv, Hyunjin and Seungmin were struggling to make lunch/dinner for everyone. It was hard to cook without burning the house down.

Han and Chan also walk into the dorm, it's like a ray of sunshine hits Han's eyes and he coos immediately at the sight before him. Chan just takes his shoes off and walks over to the focused little, "Hey, sunny. What're you watching there?" He says with the softest of voices.

"Ahh! I ish washin buey!!" Felix accidentally slurs his words due to the pacifier blocking his words from coming out properly. Changbin could honestly drop to his knees because of how soft he turned when he saw HIS little. "Hi cutie...." He forces out, not wanting to seem rude because he's just standing there.

He watches as Felix's eyes glow brighter and he claps his hands happily with the brightest smile on his face, his pacifier fell out due to his excitement and he forgot all about it. "Dadaaaa!!!!" He squeals excitedly, Changbin puts his bag down and takes his shoes off before joining Felix and Chan on the carpet.

"Aww...my baby" Changbin coos, picking Felix up and setting him in his lap. He positioned them so Felix had his back to his chest so he could still watch Bluey, Felix seems to be 10 times more comfy in his caregivers lap. It also looks like he slips deeper in his headspace the more time he spends with Changbin, both Han and Chan see this. It makes their hearts melt until a loud pop is heard, "Sorry!!!" Seungmin yells out, the porridge he made just exploded everywhere in the kitchen...

Han laughs out loud as he sees Chan's "so done" expression, he rolls on the floor and Hyunjin is laughing pretty hard too. Even though he was cooking, the porridge was all Seungmin.

Felix let out a small whimper because the loud noise scared him, Changbin is quick to reassure him "Its okay, love. Minnie just made a mess with the food" he even gave a small chuckle after his sentence, that made the little much more calm since he loved seeing his hyung so happy.

Seungmin sprints around the kitchen, trying to clean everything spotless so the leader isn't angry. Hyunjin continues laughing with Han, it was absolutely hilarious to them.

The kitchen ended up squeaky clean compared to how it was before the mess was even created. Changbin is busy trying to distract Felix from the hungriness he was feeling, Felix tended to get more angry when he was hungry and had to wait long to get his food.

"Hungy....." he whines, Changbin rocks him back and forth while turning the TV volume up a little louder so his dongsaeng would pay more attention to it.

It doesn't work but luckily, Hyunjin came to his rescue with a baby bottle of warm milk and honey. Felix gasps in delight and reaches for the warm bottle, taking it into his mouth and sucking on it.

Hyunjin smiles and then rushes back to the kitchen so he can make dinner for everyone else, Changbin smiles and pets the littles hair as he watches him get drowsy. Felix's eyes droop and he lets go of the bottle, he yawns and leans into the older. He ended up actually slipping deeper into his headspace, and Changbin adored him for it.

"Cutie, you seem so so young. Would you like to go sleepy?" Changbin asks, but he makes sure to keep his words more childlike so Felix could understand him a bit better.

He just looks at him in confusion, not understanding a word he said. Changbin chuckles and ruffles his hair, picking him up and cradling him. "You need some sleep, you sleepyhead" he says, Felix just gives another small and cute yawn. Next thing you know, Felix is in a deep sleep and being cradled by Changbin. Han has recovered from his fit of laughter and grabbed Felix's pacifier that was forgotten about.

He washes it off and slips it into Felix's mouth, the little sucks on it as he sleeps. His small hands begin to knead Changbin's shirt, which makes him look cuter.

Maybe all Felix needed was some love and care, maybe, that just made him slip a little deeper.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 27 ⏰

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