Chapter 5

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I never thought my morning could get any worse than it already was until I made it to science class. The bell had rung a good ten minutes ago, I was the last person there. In my defense, I had to stop by the bathroom to wipe away my smudged mascara after that incident with Micheal. My science teacher, Mr. Howard was sitting behind his desk, impatiently tapping his pen against the wood of it.

"Ms. Ricci, nice of you to finally show up." He snarked as I walked through the door, holding my science textbook tightly to my chest.

"Right, sorry," I murmured and glanced around the room for an open seat. The only desk that wasn't taken was the one at the very back of the class, one desk away from the window. I walked over, placing my book and pencil case down before pulling up the chair. I sat down, sighing as I glanced out the window. Mr. Howard stood up from his desk, clasping his hands together.

"Alright, today we're going to be reviewing materials for your test tomorrow." A few groans left the students, but I didn't pay much attention, since I already memorized and studied everything for the test. As I watched the wind blow autumn leaves off the trees, in the corner of my eye, I noticed the deskmate across from me look up from having his face buried in his arms. He had his hood up, so I couldn't tell who it was.

"Mr. Maxwell, we're not napping during my lecture, are we?" Mr. Howard called him out. He really did have eyes like a hawk. He pulled off his hood, looking up at him. He cleared his throat.

"No, sir," he said back, a few people chuckled. I then realized that I was going to be seated beside Michael Maxwell for the next forty-six minutes of class. I internally groaned, hoping he would just go back to napping for the rest of the class, but I reminded myself that it wouldn't happen because Mr. Howard wouldn't let him. My day was already going terrible, after the texts this morning, and I just wanted it to be over already. I debated lying to Mr. Howard and just telling him that I wasn't feeling good, but I decided against it, that those texts weren't that big of a deal, and that I could handle sitting beside Michael for one block. I spaced out as Mr. Howard continued his lecture about cells until my train of thought was interrupted by the sound of repetitive clicking. Click, click, click. I snapped my head to see where it was coming from, and it was Michael, clicking his pen over and over. I glared at him, and he pretended not to notice, but I could see the slight smirk forming on his lips.

"Can you not?" I hissed. He looked over at me, his bottom lip in his mouth.

"Hm?" he hummed, seeming to be pleased with my reaction.

"I asked you to stop. It's distracting."

"Oh, yeah?" He tilted his head, still clicking the pen.

"Yes." I breathed out. "Stop."

Michael grinned with his teeth. Click. "What's the magic word?"

I glared daggers at him. I was going to kill this man. "Stop clicking the fucking pen."

"Wrong answer," he smiled, looking away, and clicked it again. "You're supposed to say please."

"Please stop clicking the fucking pen." I hissed. He was getting on my last nerve, my day was shit already and he was not helping.

"Aw, not pretty please?" he pouted his lip. Click-click.

"Michael, if you don't stop clicking that pen, I will kill you."

"Ms. Ricci." Mr. Howard suddenly butts in. "If you continue to talk during my lecture, you can leave."

"Sorry," I murmured. I looked back at Michael, he was covering his mouth with his hand, holding in a laugh. "I swear, I'm going to wipe that stupid smirk off your face if you don't-"

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