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He must have done something to her. He must have drugged her or gassed her or something, because it seemed only moments between when she'd shut her eyes and opened them again.

Alf was standing over her. 'It is time.'

Prisha sat up with a start, then fell back down again, clutching at her groggy head. It felt so damn heavy, like she'd slept for days. 'Ohhh, I feel sick.' She unstuck her gluey eyes, forcing them open with her fingers. Then she whipped off her blanket. 'Shit!'

All groggy sickness was instantly forgotten as she thought about what lay ahead. Her heart was hammering. Her hands were already shaking. A wave of nausea made her bend over her lap. She'd been mulling over what she would say before she'd fallen asleep—or was forced asleep. Prisha grabbed at her ears—she couldn't remember any of it! How could she not remember any of it?!

'I need to practise! I need to think!'


Three times. That was three times he'd said her name. Not that she was counting.

'You don't understand, Alf. I can't look like a fool. I'm going to be a fool!' A sob clawed up her throat.


Four times.

'This is a momentous thing you're asking of me and I can't fuck it up! The whole planet could be watching! I'm representing my whole damn species! They'll record it for eternity.' Prisha wrapped her arms around her chest as she gasped for breath. 'Oh ... Alf. Why couldn't it just be us two?'



She looked up at him. He was wearing his helmet again. Prisha gasped as he pulled her from the bed and into his chest. He wrapped his arms firmly around her as Prisha clutched him back, cheek pressed into his shoulder. She was so startled she forgot she couldn't breathe. The shaking stopped. The nausea vanished.

He was very warm. Very solid. Very cosy. It had been a long time since she'd hugged a man. Since she'd hugged anybody except her sister.

Prisha didn't move. She didn't want to move. Time seemed to stand still and she liked it that way. It was nice.

Slowly, he pulled away. Prisha felt wobbly as she gazed up into his visor.

'What was that for?' she said.

'To make you feel satisfactory.'

'Well ... g-good work.' Prisha cleared her throat. Her hand was shaking as she brushed the hair from her face. 'W-when?'




Prisha looked towards the window and onto the darkened planet. She shivered. Turning back to Alf, she lifted her chin. 'I'll do it. But only if you give me the biggest damn hug of your life the moment I get back. Deal?'


Prisha choked back a crazy urge to laugh. 'You should be doing this, Alf. They want to see you, not me. They'll be disappointed.'

Alf didn't say anything.

'Wait a minute!' Prisha said. 'What about afterwards? What's your plan with me? Are you—are you keeping me or—or sending me back?' She knew the answer but she hoped against hope anyway.

'You must go back.'

'Why? Why, Alf? Why can't I stay?' Prisha felt a rush of embarrassment. She was sounding like a child.

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