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Chapter 45

Riley's POV

I walked into the hospital and went to my office. "Hi" I said to Al she was inside arranging files.

"Hey, you've got a new surgery. It's of…" 

She was about to say more but I interrupted her.

"Stop." She looked at me questioningly.

"First tell me about your date yesterday" I said emphasizing date.

"Well, it went really well. I loved it and I think Ari too liked it" she said thinking.

"Uh huh. And did you two kiss?" I asked curiously. "Maybe, but now focus on work" she said changing topic.

I chuckled and nodded. After that she went out. I realized that I had forgotten a file in my car so, I went to the parking. There it is.

I locked my car, when a car parked near my car and Alexia and Iris walked out of it. Alexia noticed me and she was shocked to see me and I was way too much confused seeing them come together. However, Iris didn't seem to notice the tension.

"Hello, Dr.Walker" Iris said. "Hello" I replied still confused. Without anything else Alexia went inside the hospital. I too decided to go inside.

Rest of the day involved me going through files and watching performance of numberless doctors.

It was around ten when someone knocked on the door. "Come in" I said. I looked up from the file and Alexia walked in.

"The surgery of Minister's son was a success and Alice told me to give you this file" she said putting a file on the table.

I nodded getting up. I started to walk towards her and asked "Are you and Iris in a relationship?"

"Why do you want to know?" She counter questioned. My brows furrowed and I stood close to her. "I just want to know, do I need a reason?" I asked.

"As a matter fact you do. And even if you have a reason I don't remember giving you the right to interfere in my private life." I don't know why but that hurt me.

Anger filled me and I started to walk further closer and she started to move back. "What are you doing?" She asked.

"You know actually..." I said walking closer.Her back touched the wall and I put my hands on either side of her

"I do have a right. According to the contract..." I started but she interrupted me "I know what's written in there and I don't care" she said coldly.

"You should. Because I won't hesitate to sue you" I said venemously. "Oh really, then do it" she said looking in my eyes.

"Sue me. I too wanna see how far you can go" she added. I just looked at her for a moment and walked back to my desk. "You can go"

I sat on my chair and opened a file. She stood there for a few moments and then sighed. She walked towards the door "There's nothing between us. She's my neice" she said and walked out.

Time skip

"She's her what?" Alice exclaimed. "She's her neice" I repeated. "Well, of all things I expected it is definitely not one of them" she said.

"Yeah," I said slumping on my office couch. "So, what are you gonna do now?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked. "I mean now that you know there is nothing going on between Alexia and Iris, what are you going to do?"

"Don't know".

"You know what's funny?" I looked at her questioningly. "Both Alexia and Iris likes you" she said laughing.

"Shut up and besides I don't think Iris likes me anymore I was just a crush for her neither she has ever confessed her feelings for me"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever".

A Few Days Later

I was walking towards Alexia's office. I reached there and knocked on the door. "Come in" she said and I walked in.

She looked at me and sighed "I'm sure, this is not the type of reaction you give to your boss, when she comes in your office"

Things have started to get better between both of us. We joke around but she's still a sadistic bitch.

She just rolled her eyes and said "What are you doing here?". "I here to ask you to have lunch with me" I said smiling.

Her expression darkened and she said "Riley... Nothing can happen between us. You should forget me"

"Do you really think I would stop?" I asked walking close to her. And her breathing quickened ever so slightly, she looked towards the door almost as if she feared someone will walk in. She got up from her chair to put some distance between us "You should. Or else you'll get hurt again" she said looking around.

I put my hands on her shoulder, urging her to look at me and said "I love you and I know you love me. I don't know why you keep pushing me away but I'll keep pursuing you until you become mine. No matter how much times I get hurt"

At this her eyes softened. I started to lean closer to her. I smiled when she didn't push me away. I was just a breath away when all of a sudden a hand collided to my face and my cheek started to burn. That's when I realized that Alexia slapped me. 

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