whats up?

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~Don't let them see you like this, wash your face and hide your wrists~

12:00 am

The group arrived in the phantom world on the bus. They had been here too long and gave up on finding a way out a long time ago.

Taylor  "is everyone here?"

Ben just raised his hand

Aiden "yep"

Ash "yeah"

Logan "uh huh"

Tyler "what do you think"

Taylor scoffed at Tyler but let it go.
The whole group just did there own thing on the bus. Taylor and ben talked for a while, Ash listened to music,  Logan read and Tyler had already fallen asleep. Aiden was laying on the hammock, who would've normally tried talking to Ash, was staring into space. He kinda looked sad in a way. Ash noticed this and asked Ben what was up with him.

(Ben wrote)
He got in an argument with his dad

Ash- "about what?"

Ben - he flunked his math quiz

Ash- "oh?"

Ash debated weather or not to check on him or not, she decided to check. She walked over to him and plonked herself on the seat near the hammock.

Ash "you alright Aiden?"

Aiden looked up startled for a second and replied.

Aiden "yeah, I'm fine"

He sounded more tired then usual which was strange considering how energetic he usually was.

Ash "you sure cuz Ben said you fell out with your dad?"

He felt slightly betrayed that Ben outed him like that but shook it off.

Aiden "yeah I'm sure, he's just mad cuz of my math quiz"

He chuckled lightly after that, though, Ash could tell it wasn't genuine, it sounded forced. Ash didn't buy it but didn't push it and instead just offered him a headphone.

They all eventually fell asleep. Ben and Taylor next to each other,  Ash and Aiden on the hammock,Tyler sprawled across a seat and Logan who was for some reason curled up in a tire.

{word count: 324}
First story so don't judge pls.
If anythins spelt wrong pls tell me or somthin.
I love the fact logans in a tire lol.

Sbg ~don't let them see you like this~aidenWhere stories live. Discover now