Author's Note

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Hello all!

It is so nice to meet you all! This is my first fanfiction, and it is for a show I have recently gotten into. 

Here are a few things to keep in mind while you are reading this fanfiction: 

1) There are going to be no swear words.

I know, I know. The characters themselves seem to use the f-bomb every five words or so, and I also know that swearing seems to be part of their identities. The reason I am doing this is so that certain friends of mine can read it and enjoy it. I write for those I love, and I want to show them that I love them by keeping swearing out of this story. That does not mean that I won't have some moments like, "He swore under his breath" or, "He began swearing up a storm". It just means that I will not write the swear words themselves. 

That being said, the characters will still remain true to their original design besides that one change. 

2) There will be a theme of Christianity in this story.

I know this will keep some people away, and I also know that this will anger some people. If you believe that this will anger you, please do not read my story. I would rather that you read something that will bring you happiness and enjoyment instead! 

The reason that this theme will be in this story is because 1) I am a Christian, and it is hard for me to write a story without that being in it, and 2) I enjoy the themes of redemption and renewal and healing. I know that you can still have those themes in a story without involving faith but, because my faith is so central to my life, I have some experience with redemption and the like through Christ Jesus. Ergo, I will incorporate that throughout this story. 

3) This is going to hopefully be a slow-burn

I enjoy slow-burns. I enjoy being able to see a beautiful connection between the characters thrive before romance begins. In my opinion, a good foundation of trust and knowledge should be there before any semblance of romance should be approached. I know there are lovely stories out there that are not slow-burns, so please go enjoy those if you do not want to read a slow-burn fanfiction. 

4) I am new to the fandom and this TV show.

Please keep this in mind as I write. I will be conducting a lot of research on the characters and the plot of the show as I go about writing this story. I have been quickly sucked into this show, and I really want to do the characters and world justice as I write. If you think that I did not quite understand a character well, or that I made a mistake with the timeline, please correct me. 

5) The reason that I am writing this story is because I started reading fanfiction for it and could not find a story that I wanted to keep reading. 

This does NOT mean any of the fanfiction that I read was poorly written; this just means that I am picky. I have a lot of respect for the authors that came before me in this fandom. You are many steps ahead of me when it comes to this writing business, and for that I applaud you greatly.

In order for you to understand my drive to write this story, here is a quote from one of my favorite authors: "If you find a book you really want to read but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it." ~ Toni Morrison

So, I will.




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