chapter eight !

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— VLOG !

"HELLO!" Luna had the tripod holding her camera set up on the kitchen island

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"HELLO!" Luna had the tripod holding her camera set up on the kitchen island. "Welcome to my first vlog!" She grinned, making jazz hands as she spoke.

"So, recently I've gotten really into the idea of vlogging. I mentioned it to my oldest brother, whom you guys know, Quinn, and I woke up one day to a package in the mail with this beautiful camera set. Love him for that." Luna explained as she spoke directly into the camera.

"So, in reality, we should all thank him for giving me this little push!"

"This video's mostly a spend the day with me! It is currently... eight in the morning, I have class to go to. So, you guys can tag along as I make my way there!" She grabbed the tripod. Grabbing her tote bag with her free hand and put it on her shoulder before grabbing her keys.

"Millie and Jules left already, they have class a little earlier than I do."

"Today's agenda first class, to which I am going to. Then I have time after that class so Ethan and I might go get breakfast because our classes are right by each other. Then I have some other classes later, so i'll be going to them." She walked out of her apartment, her right hand holding the tripod and her left hand holding her keys to lock the front door.

She made her way down to the lobby of her apartment complex. "So, since I don't live in the dorms, I do have to drive to my building." Luna pressed the button on her key so the car would unlock.

Opening the door, she climbed in slowly and then set the camera up on the dashboard as she started her car. "So, thank you for spending this part of my morning with me, and I will see you in a bit!"

She waved before leaning forward to turn off the camera.

"I am back." Luna held the camera, facing her as she walked out of the building. "I just got done with my first class and now I'm waiting for Ethan to hurry up so we can go eat because I am starving." She looked around for her friend.

Finally, he walked out of the building and made his way to where she was standing.

"Ethan's here!" She turned the camera to face him. "Hi? What's this for?" Ethan waved, looking at ger in confusion. "I'm a vlogger now." She turned the camera to face her.

"Nice." He said as the duo began to walk towards her car. "So, now that we're out of our classes, we're gonna go eat. I don't know where, but i'm really hungry so anything sounds good." Luna spoke to the camera as they walked.

They finally arrived at her parked car. Ethan climbed into the passenger seat while Luna settled into the drivers seat. "Can you hold the camera?" She passed it over to him.

Luna started the car and began to drive as Ethan held the camera, both of them in frame.

"What are you craving?" He looked at her. "I honestly could really go for a bagel right now, and a iced coffee." She said, looking at him and the camera as she stopped at a stop sign.

"What about the coffee shop by the soph house?" He recommended and she nods. "Sounds good."

"Okay, we're going to go eat breakfast and I will probably see you guys later!" She waved. "How do I turn this off—" Ethan quickly found the off button and shut off the camera with a final wave.

"We're out! Breakfast was good, I had a simple plain bagel with some cream cheese and my iced coffee." She held up the clear plastic cup of iced coffee.

"Eth, what did you get?" She turned the camera to face him as they walked. "I ate an avocado toast, it was alright, and I got a smoothie."

"We're currently about to go to the soph house because I don't have any other classes until a bit later. So, I think this is the end of the vlog because my arm is getting a little tired of holding the camera, but I hope you guys enjoy this vlog and there will be more!"

Luna waved, turning the camera so both her and Ethan are in frame. "Eth, say bye."




also my school has college trips next week, and i'm so excited but i don't want to go to eny of the colleges we're visiting.

UMICH ALL THE WAY, honestly. but i live really far so, a girl can dream. i have a good while left until i have to start applying but that's the dream 😫.

go blue 💙🥰😝

𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃 - mark estapa ¹Where stories live. Discover now