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"Come for me, Evelyn," he whispered in her ear on that fine morning.

Yet, it remained nothing but a beautiful memory of the previous night, resurfacing in her dreams.

Evelyn jolted awake, a sharp gasp escaping her lips. Throughout the night, she had dreamt of her encounter with Akeno in the gardens of the private property. Her heart raced in her chest, leaving her breathless.

Gradually, she sat up, placing a hand on her chest, and surveyed the surroundings of her hotel room. Vivid flashbacks of her sensual rendezvous with the art collector flooded her mind, eliciting a smile as her body relived the pleasure he had given her—indescribable. She bit her lip, embracing herself.

However, her joy was short-lived when the realization hit that her career hung in the balance. What if Akeno deemed it best not to sign her after crossing professional boundaries the previous night? Could they move past it, pretending it never happened? Evelyn desperately yearned for it to work, even if it meant acting as though their make-out session never occurred amidst those gardens.

"Please, please, please. Let this work. I need it to work. I swear, I won't flirt with him again!" She spoke to herself, consumed by worries about the uncertain outcome.

Lost in her thoughts, her phone abruptly rang. She leaned over to retrieve it from the nearby table, and upon seeing Mr. Hiro's name on the screen, her heart sank momentarily before summoning the courage to answer.

"Good morning, sir."

"Good morning, Miss Ali," Akeno replied, addressing her formally. "I hope I didn't wake you?"

"N-no. Not at all. I was already awake."

"Perfect. Would you like to join me for breakfast in thirty minutes? I'd like to share my final thoughts on your painting and discuss what comes next."

"Oh, okay. I'll be ready in thirty minutes."

"Perfect. Lucas will be at your door."

"Alright. Thank you."

"Goodbye for now."


They hung up, and Evelyn nervously bit her thumb, hoping for the best.

'This could be it. Or not. I have to stay positive.'

With a leap out of bed, the young woman hurried to the bathroom, preparing herself for the morning meeting with Akeno.


Guided by Lucas, Evelyn approached Akeno's table in one of the hotel's elegant restaurants, feeling a tinge of nervousness. After all, she and the charismatic art collector had an intense encounter the previous night, leaving her uncertain about how to navigate the ensuing awkwardness.

Holding her breath, she reached his table, offering a timid smile as he looked up from his phone.

"Oh, Miss Ali. You've finally joined me," he said with a smile, rising to welcome her.

"I'm a little late. I apologize," Evelyn replied, her laughter tinged with nervousness.

"It's alright. You arrived on time. Breakfast has just been served."

"Oh, great."

"I ordered for you. I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all. These all look delicious."

"Perfect. Please, have a seat."

"Thank you."

They both took their seats, facing each other. So far, everything seemed fine, and Evelyn was relieved that he was engaging in conversation and maintaining a professional demeanor. It helped ease her nerves. However, she couldn't help but wonder if he had dreamt of her all night like she had of him, or if he had at least thought endlessly about their passionate encounter.

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