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As soon as the figure curled up into a ball Infected would approach them and see that it was in fact Pilby. He knew that cry from anywhere.

"0mg ur 4l1v3????"

"Sniff y-yes..."

Walter would get up from the floor still clutching his nose.

"Didn't DrRetro text you? Why didn't you head to her house?"

"Mach told me it wasn't safe, honk..."

"Wh3r3 3v3n 1s sh3?"

"I don't know... She said she was gonna come back soon with some more food..."

Pilby would turn around to reveal a small pillow fort surrounded by coloring books and empty juice boxes and bags of cookies.

"Wow your girlfriend did all of this for you?"

"S-she not my girlfriend! I think... :0("

"Wdym u th1nk???"

"Well uhmm..."

Pilby would blush and twiddle his fingers.

"She has given me some kisses from time to time..."




"Pilby, that's what people who love each other do!"

"But she says those are just friendship kisses!"

"Tch, Friendship kisses my STAND"

"Maybe she's just scared to come out with her feelings?"

"Doh, I don't know anymore..."

"S0 4r3 y0u g0nn4 c0m3 w1th us t0 f1nd h3r"

"Sure I guess..."

Infected would pick Pilby up like a newborn baby and they'd make their way back to the elevator.

As they walked back in the walkie talkie would go off and Walter would pick up.

"Meoww mrow meow?" (Walter, can you hear me?)

"Loud and clear, what's up?"

"Meow meeoow mrow" (how's the mission going?)

"Well we found Pilby and some food"


"Yeah I know, shocker"

"Meow meeow meoow" (well id suggest returning soon since it's starting to get dark)


"Meoww mrow" (DrRetro out)

The walkie talkie would turn off and Walter would approach the buttons.


"What? Is there something wrong?"

"Can we go toach office? I just wanna make sure she's okay..."

"Sigh... Fine..."

Walter would push some buttons on the panel which made Pilby smile.

"Thank you :0)"

The elevator would finally open to reveal Mach's office which was littered with dead bodies. In the center was Mach, covered in blood sitting at her office desk like usual.

Pilby would immediately squeak with fear and cover his eyes while they slowly approached her.

"What do you want? Can't you tell I'm busy"

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