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Word Count: 2055


A violent sound floods my senses, rousing from sleep abruptly.

The aching wail of a siren rings through the house, joining the night breeze that escapes in through a gap in the window.

I rest my hand on my chest, my heart racing below. Eldon leans up from where he's been sleeping on the other couch, running a hand tiredly down his face.

"That sounds horrible." I sit up, curling my legs up until my knees touch my chest. "It must be signalling for everyone to stay inside now."

A strip of light suddenly appears across the floor, signalling that the sun is cracking over the horizon.

It's the last day...

"I guess it's official. No going back," Eldon says as he rests back onto his pillow, his jaw hard.

The police have blocked off all exits to town, which means if Belle is out there, she's not getting back in. All we can do now is wait out the werewolves return before we get back to looking.

"Don't let what Venn said about the Alpha King upset you. I'm not going to be taken as a bride," I bring up cautiously.

Eldon has been quiet since Venn reluctantly dropped us back off here last night. I've been trying to dig out what's gotten under his skin, and when I brought up the Alpha his expression hardened and he turned away from me.

"I know," he bites out, sitting himself up. "But why don't we stay away from the town square for a while, just in case."

I scan his face. He can't seriously think there's any real threat?

Regardless, he's right. Werewolves a dangerous, whether they are the Alpha King or not. It's best to keep my distance from any of them until I know they can be trusted.

"Yeah, you're right."

"Let's get up and start putting that silver stuff everywhere." He stands and stretches, the morning light flooding over him.

"I doubt it's going to work, but at least it's something." I get the sense that some silver pieces inherited from my superstitious parents will keep any vengeful beasts away.

Standing, I head toward the bathroom. Eldon reaches out and grabs my arm before I can make it very far, turning me to face him.

"I won't let any hurt you," he promises earnestly, offering me a tentative smile that looks ready to crack.

My returning smile is grim. "You may not have a choice in that."

The siren finally wanes, leaving behind an eerie silence, as if the horrid sound muzzled all chirping and singing wildlife.

"Now that we have this awesome gun Venn gave us, we're unstoppable." Eldon reaches behind the couch, pulling it out.

It makes me nervous just looking at it, but it's our only line of defense. It's gleaming steel threatens a great deal of pain were someone to stand in its face.

"Alright calm down. Don't do the wolves work for them by killing us," I joke as he twists it around in his hands.

We spend the rest of the day preparing. I boarded windows while Eldon slung thick chains around doorhandles. Once the final lock clicked into place, it became clear that we won't be leaving this place until it is deemed safe enough.

Eldon backs away from the door, dusting his hands.

"Done?" I ask. He nods, surveying his handiwork.

This place looks like it's emerged from a dystopian novel. The boarded windows allow no sunlight in, meaning we missed sunset and have had to rely on our phones to tell us that night has finally settled.

"I'm starving," Eldon complains, looking toward the kitchen.

"We need to ration our food. Venn gave us plenty, but just to be safe..." I warn quietly, shuddering at the thought of being locked up in here for weeks at a time.

Eldon plucks a protein bar from its box, turning to me. "Are you scared?"

I sit down on the couch, curling my legs up. Tonight could very well be our last. As well prepared as we are, all it would take would be one werewolf deciding they would rather set the place up in flames than let it stand where it is.

Worst of all, I wouldn't blame them.

"Of course. I'm terrified," I admit.

"Who knows, they may be friendly." Eldon's wry grin is weak as he collapses on the couch across the coffee table, kicking his legs up.

"A pack full of vengeful werewolves who were struck from their home three centuries ago? I don't think they are going to be having a friendly dinner with us any time soon," I say flatly.

Venn's comment about the Alpha King haunts me the most. I feel for the poor human soul he is going to get his hands on, who he is going to take as his wife.

I look toward the door, at the chains that gleam under the overhead light.

Are they enough to keep out an Alpha? Would he even know to barge down our door out of everyone's in the town?

"So when is the exact moment the treaty expires?" Eldon asks through a mouthful of food.


"Great. So a bunch of murderous, rampaging beasts will be let out in the middle of the night?" He shakes his head in disbelief.


"Why don't we get some sleep then? I'll set an alarm for eleven." He picks up his phone, while I lay down, stuffing my head into the pillow.

"I don't think I can sleep," I admit.

Shaking off this cold feeling of dread is going to be impossible. I've never been good at trusting my intuition before, but something deep within me feels as though it's calling to me, trying to lure me out the boarded up door.

Something bad is going to happen. I don't know how I'm so certain about it, but I am.

"Who knows when we will be able to next. We should at least try," Eldon says softly, offering a tentative smile.


After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I lay down on the couch, pulling the blanket up to my chin. Eldon is already sleeping, his soft breaths making me curse myself for not being able to so easily fall asleep.

A few minutes pass of hopelessly staring at the ceiling before the two way radio on the coffee table makes a fuzzy sound before a familiar voice emerges from its speaker.


I snatch it up, carrying it off into Belle's room before closing the door.

Pressing the button down on the side, I speak into the device before letting go. "Venn, hey."

Only seconds pass before his voice appears amongst a crackling of static. "Doing okay?"

I sit down on my Belle's bed, tightening my grip on the device. Venn is on the other side of the town, and yet he feels as though he could be in the room with me.

"Nervous." I run my hand down my face. "Okay I'm terrified."

"All will be okay as long as you stay inside. Don't be tempted to come out tomorrow," he warns quietly.

"I won't."

"Good girl." His words make my heart flutter. "How's Eldon holding up?"

I huff out a laugh. "Better than me."

I'm convinced he's in denial, or he hasn't allowed himself to truly conceptualise what is going on. Thankfully he's been concentrating on trying to survive this experience without alcohol since he allowed himself a night to divulge yesterday.

There's silence from Venn's side for a long moment. I'm almost tempted to put the radio down until his voice floods the room again.

"Look...I should have told you this in person, I just couldn't bring myself to do it," he sounds tense, uncertain.

"What's wrong?" I straighten, feeling that familiar claw of dread dragging its way through me.

"I've been keeping something from you," he admits softly, to the point I almost can't hear him.

My heart pounds, the sound of blood rushing in my ears only heightening my anxiety. "What is it?"

"I didn't tell you because I thought I was protecting you. I thought you would leave town and you wouldn't be back for the treaty's expiration," he starts. "So I kept it from you. I thought you might forget about me."

I try to swallow but my throat is dry. I've never heard Venn sound so apprehensive before.

"You're scaring me, Venn. Just come out with it," I push.

He sighs roughly. "It's me...I'm him."

"Him?" I stare down at the radio, confounded.

"The Alpha King," he admits tightly.

I stand from the bed, starting to pace. I can't stand to be still a moment longer as I attempt to process what he is telling me.


"I'm the Alpha King, and tomorrow my pack is bringing with them a great deal of magic that is going to fuel me to make a decision on their behalf. A really important fucking decision," he hisses, sounding like he is also pacing.

I run a hand through my hair, digging my fingertips into my scalp. I knew it.

I should have trusted my reasoning. I should have realised the signs, should have put all the puzzle pieces together.

Of course Venn is the Alpha King. He's the only werewolf sympathiser I know, he's strong and doesn't seem to feel the cold. He's covered in markings and he looks more than capable of leading an army of wolves.

Yet, at the same time, it's so unbelievable that my brain is struggling to comprehend the try scope of what I'm learning.

"Is this a joke?" I ask breathlessly. "If so it's really fucked up, Venn."

"I'm not joking, Alvera," he exclaims sternly. "Tomorrow this magic will overcome me, and I will take a human bride. The Moon Goddess will command my decision, and I'll have no control over it."

I crouch down, pressing my palm against the side of my face. "Ah...what the fuck..."

"It's going to be you that I choose, Alvera. I know it." His words have softened. "I don't what it is about you...actually I do know. It's more than physical. We've been connected since the moment I first saw you, and now I know I'll be urged to choose you."

All strength in my legs give out as I allow myself to sit, leaning my back against Belle's bed.

I can feel my world crumbling around me at his words. I can't possibly be Venn's bride...I barely know who I am.

"If this is true, you c...can't choose me, Venn," I practically shout into the microphone.

"I won't have control over my decision. So stay away so I can't see you. Please, Alvera," he pleads. "I should have told you this earlier, I know that. Soon the borders will reopen and when they do, you need to leave. I will find Belle. Don't come back."

I nod frantically. "Okay, I'll leave."

"I'll contact you when the decision has been made and I know you're safe," he murmurs.

"Goodbye, Venn," I say numbly.


All static vanishes as the line goes cold. I bring the radio up to my chest, clutching it there as I think.

This can't be real. I've tumbled into a nightmare after spending too much time sleeping on Belle's couch. All the horror and trauma of Belle going missing has cumulated into this really fucked up dream.

Except it's not. I pinch my skin and I feel the bite of pain.

This is very real.

I wander back into the lounge, stuck in a daze.

Eldon startles, awoken as I close the door to Belle's room harder than I expected.

"Everything okay? You look mortified," I mutters tiredly, dragging his gaze over me.

I just collapse onto the couch, still clutching the radio.

"It's nothing. Don't worry," I murmur, rolling over so my back is to him. "Go back to sleep."

I hear him shift before quiet settles. I won't be getting any sleep tonight.


Hey everyone, thank you so much for reading this story, it means a lot!

If you want to read ahead at any point, you can read this story 10 chapters ahead on Radish and 15 chapters ahead on Inkitt (:

If you want to read ahead at any point, you can read this story 10 chapters ahead on Radish and 15 chapters ahead on Inkitt (:

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~Midika 💜🐼

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