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Faris was feeling frustrated, annoyed, or even angry thinking about suneha's act for blocking his access to his room. He could also feel confused or puzzled about why she's preventing him from entering. Overall, he might be experiencing a mix of emotions, depending on the situation and his relationship with suneha...

Faris was standing outside his room, his hand hovering over the doorknob, frustration bubbling within him like a simmering pot on the verge of boiling over. With each passing moment, his patience wears thinner, morphing into a cocktail of irritation and confusion. Why is she barring him from entering his own sanctuary, his own domain? Has she stumbled upon some secret he's been guarding, or is this merely another one of her whimsical games? Whatever the reason, he can feel the tension mounting, coiling around him like a constrictor, threatening to suffocate his composure. He grits his teeth, struggling to maintain his cool demeanor, but beneath the surface, a tempest of emotions swirls, waiting to erupt at the slightest provocation.

Suneha stands triumphantly in front of faris's room after looking at noor and shared a larger with her, a mischievous grin stretching across her face like a Cheshire cat reveling in its mischief. Her eyes are dancing with amusement, sparkling with the thrill of the moment and the anticipation of faris's reaction. For her, this isn't just a simple act of barring him from his room; it's a playful game, a source of entertainment in an otherwise ordinary day. She thrives on the chaos she's created, relishing in the absurdity of the situation and the power she holds over her unsuspecting sibling. With each passing second, her excitement only grows, fueled by the knowledge that she's pulled off the ultimate prank...

"Listen suneha I already gave you whatever you demanded, and if you want more than I'll give you tomorrow but for today please open the door" Faris said

"Not this easily elephant" suneha said and started laughing

"Why are you teasing him" noor asked

"Because we have something for you both" suneha said and noor looked at her in confusion expression

"And what it is" noor asked and suneha took her to the balcony and they both went on taris with the help of some arrangements which are done by suneha and God knows the second person...

"Woowwwww" noor said while looking at the terrace,  the terrace comes alive with a symphony of colors and lights. Lush greenery spills over terracotta pots, framing the space with vibrant hues of crimson, lavender, and buttercup yellow. A gentle breeze carries the sweet scent of jasmine and roses, mingling with the warm glow of fairy lights strung delicately between trellises and around the perimeter.

Soft cushions in shades of azure and coral invite lovers to sink into their embrace under a canopy of twinkling stars. Lanterns hang from overhead beams, casting a soft, golden glow over the scene below, while a bubbling fountain adds a soothing soundtrack to the evening's serenade.

As night falls, the terrace becomes a sanctuary for romance, where whispered conversations and stolen glances are illuminated by the enchanting beauty of nature and the magic of love.

On either side of the terrace, two sumptuously adorned beds beckon lovers to indulge in the ultimate relaxation under the night sky. Each bed is draped with billowing canopies of sheer fabric, catching the soft moonlight in their folds.

Pillows piled high with plush velvet and satin beckon weary heads to rest, while intricately embroidered throws provide warmth and comfort against the evening chill. Delicate flower petals are scattered across the crisp white linens, adding a touch of whimsy and romance to the scene.

At the foot of each bed, small tables hold carafes of chilled champagne and platters of decadent chocolates, inviting couples to linger and savor the moment. Soft music floats through the air, setting the mood for an evening of intimacy and connection beneath the starlit sky.

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