𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝟏𝟒

352 49 22

Hey, guys! How are you all doing? Yesterday, I was totally disappointed as RCB lost. But more than that, I was angry about the umpiring. It was clearly terrible umpiring by the officials. And also, well-paid KKR! I just don't understand why God has to be so cruel to Virat and RCB. Every single time, it's only bad luck for them. As every year goes by, we keep saying move on... Next Sala Cup Namde hopefully!!

Here you go with the next one!!


Katrina- Tell me Nush! What's bothering you so much...

She remained silent, still looking down...

Katrina- Anushka I'm asking you something...

Anushka- I.. I'm not sure kat..

Katrina- Yaar bohot hogaya ab toh.. tell me now! Don't make me angry nush!

Despite Katrina's urging, Anushka stayed silent, which only irritated Katrina further...

Katrina- I'm a fool to think you would tell me, right? It's okay. Let's sleep..

She began to leave, but Anushka finally spoke up...

Anushka- I.. I'm scared Kat!!
She said in a broken voice and Katrina immediately hugged her...

Katrina- Par kyu nush? Aisa bhi kya hua hai...

Anushka- patha nahi bo...bohot dar lag raha hai Kat!

Katrina- Why nush? I've never seen you like this.. it's very scaring to see you this way... Tujhe patha haina hum sab hai yaha pe tere saath toh kis baath ka dar hai babe?

Anushka- I... I can't live without Virat. I love him so much, and it's really hard without him. But... but I'm afraid that if I go back to him, it'll be the same again. What if he loses games? What if people blame me again? What if he distances himself from me? I can't bear that, Kat. I just can't...

Tears streamed down her face, and Katrina hugged her tighter...

Katrina- Shh shh nush calm down baby.. Look I'm here na.. shaanth hoja.. koi kuch nahi karega.. tu bas zyada soch rahi hai nush!!

Anushka- No, he'll leave me again, and I'll be his bad luck. No, Kat, I can't go back to him...

Katrina- Can you really stay away from him??

Anushka- I..I.. don't know

Katrina- You can't, and deep down, you know that... You're just not accepting it. Think about Virat and how much he loves you... Yes, he made mistakes, but he's regretting them now... He understands you better than anyone. These challenges are just tests for your relationship, and you shouldn't give up, Anushka!!

Anushka- I'm scared Kat!!

Katrina- Just relax and sleep for now. Time will sort everything out... If you two are meant to be, it'll happen, no matter what...

Anushka nodded, and they both went to sleep...

It had been a week since Virat arrived in Bangladesh, and India had emerged victorious in all the matches played... Today marked the final match, and India clinched the Asia Cup title... Virat, earning the coveted title of "Man of the Series," stood as a testament to his exceptional performance...

Anushka beamed with pride as she watched him reach new heights, yet she couldn't help but long to be there to congratulate him in person... She imagined him running towards her, engulfing her in a tight embrace, oblivious to the world around them. She smiled at the image of her man on the TV screen, resembling a Hollywood hero with sweat glistening on his face...

Virat approached Harsha Bhogle for an interview, radiating with joy and gratitude for the team's success...

Harsha- Firstly, congratulations, Virat! It's been a remarkable victory!

Virat- Well Thank you. It was truly a collective effort, with each player contributing equally to our success...

Harsha- Winning "Man of the Series" is a remarkable transformation from a period of inconsistency to becoming one of the best batsmen. How do you explain this turnaround?

Virat- Form is never permanent.. you know it hinges on various factors and circumstances... I believe there's still room for improvement, and I'm far from reaching my peak...

Harsha- It's evident that you're elated about the win. Is there a particular reason behind this happiness?

Virat- Absolutely. Someone special wished me luck, and their support has been instrumental in my success. I'm immensely grateful for their presence in my life!!

Harsha- I agree, whether you win or lose, it's all on you. No one else can control it...

Virat- Yeah, thanks for that!

Harsha- it's been great talking to you Thank you Virat..

Virat- Feels mutual. Thanks, and let's catch up at the T20 World Cup!

He smirked and departed, leaving Harsha smiling...

All the ICT who heard him speak were cheering loud for him and happy at the same time... Virat came towards them and they just pounced on him!

Rohit- That was a brilliant shot, bro!

Rahul- yess it was indeed the best..

Hardik- Virat Aaj toh tune pull shot hi maar diya...

Mahi bhai- That's good to hear cheeku.. maintain it!

Virat- Definitely, Bhai... And no one has the right to talk about my girl!!

Ash- My girl Haan!

Bhuvi- Haa my girl... Sounds good!

All - My girl!!

Everyone said at the same time and he was blushing hard and that was shown on the TV, even though the audio was muted but seeing him blush, Anushka is clever enough to know they are teasing him.. His someone special words were ringing in her mind and slowly it started to cute her insecurities...

Mahi bhai- Cheeku, we've got a press meet in 5 minutes. You, me, and Rohit need to be there... Are you okay with that?

Virat- Of course, Bhai. Today, I'm in the mood to tackle every tricky question they throw at us...

Rohit- Yeah Let's show them who's boss!!

Mahi bhai- I'm all set for it!!

Hardik- Don't forget that I'm here.. if you guys are in trouble just call hardik and I'll be there...

Rahul- For once, I agree with Hardik. He can be sensible sometimes...

Hardik- I'm always sensible, okay!!

Mahi bhai- Enough, guys. Let's head to the press meet, and please don't do any idiotic work...

Hardik was about to speak, but one stern look from Mahi bhai silenced him... They gathered for the press meet, ready to face the questions...

Screen Freeze....

Virat- Whether she is my girlfriend or not... that's none of your business, sir!

Rohit- Remember, what goes around comes around. Be mindful of your actions!!

Mahi bhai- Your type of questions displays how creepy your minds are...

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