Prologue trailer (PT.1)

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Our protagonist, Francis "Frankie" Graves, narrates his story. He passes commentary and engages with the audience, not by doing the forth screen breaking thing but actually explaining what is going on around him, how he feels, how everything changed for the worse.

Scene 1: Kouh Town, Children's Park, Shibu St South.

A figure in cladded in hoodie watches a group of innocent children joyfully running around, chasing each other, completely absorbed in the world of rainbows and sugar rush. But for dear Frankie, it was living reminder of his joyous moments.

Narration Commences

"The sun beat down on Kouh Town's Children's Park, the air thick with the saccharine scent of cotton candy. Squeals of laughter echoed around me as a pack of hyperactive kids chased each other, their carefree energy a stark contrast to the leaden weight in my chest. Once, I used to be like them - filled with passion, driven by goals, fueled by the unbridled optimism of youth. But that was before... well, before everything went straight to hell.

I kicked a stray pebble across the dusty path, the dull thud mirroring the hollowness within me. Francis "Frankie" Graves, at your service. Though "service" might be a strong word for what Rias Gremory, the crimson-haired tyrant, has in store for me. Reincarnated as a Devil? Sure. Stuck being her lackey for eternity? Now that's what I call a real nightmare."

Scene 2: Kouh Town, Dockyards, Warehouse No. 22

The rusted hulks of shipping containers loomed like skeletal giants in the darkness of Warehouse No. 22. My flashlight beam sliced through the gloom, revealing dust motes dancing in the stale air. Issei, my resident pervert and supposed partner in this supernatural pest control business, was a nervous wreck. "Dude," he hissed, his voice barely a whisper. "I swear I just heard something slither. Like, seriously creepy slither."

"Less Dracula impersonations, more monster hunting," I muttered, rolling my eyes. Despite my Devil nature allowing me to see in the dark, I found flashlights oddly comforting. "Besides, with all the CreepyPasta you listen to, I'd think you'd be used to it by now." A bead of sweat trickled down Issei's temple. "Yeah, well, podcasts don't have razor-sharp teeth," he whimpered.

A sudden, deafening roar ripped through the silence, making us jump. A monstrous brown eye materialized in the darkness, its pupil dilated like a black hole. It blinked, revealing a gaping maw filled with rows of needle-like teeth. My cynicism momentarily faltered. "Right," I sighed, the weight of my underpaid Devil life settling on my shoulders. "Just another day at the office."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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