Chapter 3

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If trouble could take a form , it would shape into a brunette girl , with doe brown eyes that aren't so naïve or innocent , her eyes hold something deeper than teenage silliness I am used to seeing in girls her age . Her look is sharp and her movements as if counted and calculated , she never seems to be at ease , always cautious and aware of her surroundings . I might have been watching her too much . The entire session , I couldn't help but steal glances at her every time I got a chance , even though she chose to sit in the far corner at the back of the class , probably avoiding me after our encounter this morning .

I must admit , even I try not to think about it , not just because it's wrong since now apparently I will be her teacher , but also because it makes me feel things ... I shouldn't be feeling or thinking about .

When I was at the coffee shop , minding my own business and having a peaceful cup of coffee and all of a sudden she was sitting on my lap , she didn't even realise it , too focused on speaking to her mother . The worst thing is that was unable to ask her to move , for some reason her warmth was addicting , although It seemed like I was intruding on her privacy by keeping her there and not warning her but I couldn't help be fascinating by her once she was settled comfortably on my lap .

Her brown hair loose down her back , carrying a scent of lavender that is still clinging to my nose , her voice filled with so many emotions I couldn't decipher and the way her cheeks lifting a bit in a dreamy smile after hanging up with her mother , looking up at the clear , cloudless sky .

It didn't help that she is wearing clothes kind of not for her age , also her eyes hold a very different look , one that is more of a grown up woman than a young girl , which encouraged me to say those things to her .

From my desk , I watch her gathering her things as the class starts emptying and students flew out as the bell ring announcing the end of first period . I expected her to be in a hurry and try to get away from me, but she seems to take her time and only when she finished and almost reached the door do I stop her .

« Miss Floris ? »

She stops on her heels , it takes her two or three seconds before she turns around facing me and robbing me from my breath at the sight of those brown pools of hers , forever etched in my mind .

I clear my throat and stand up .

« I would like to have a word with you . »

She nods but doesn't take a step closer . Normal , she sees me as a pervert , but have I known how young she was , I would never have hit on her .

I wouldn't .

« About earlier , in ... »

« Earlier ? Why , what happened earlier ? » She speaks in steady and sure tone . Not intimidated or bothered by my presence even despite the awkward situation we are now in . I stare at her intensely for a while trying to figure her out , but it's impossible with those eyes of her , forming a solid fortress preventing anyone from invading her mind .

« I am talking about ... the coffee shop ... »

She looks around than gives me a harsh stare .

« I know nothing of what you're trying to say , Mr Oliver . »

So she's playing the denial game ? Fine . It suits me . I can't afford having my career jeopardized because of her or anyone anyway .

I adjust my glasses and nod , pursuing my lips and narrowing my eyes . Somehow it pisses me off that our encounter didn't affect her the way it did me , the fact that she is so composed , her expression neutral as if she was freezing her facial expressions makes me envy her for having such a capacity of concealing her emotions . It just gave took her a lot of practice to get here .

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