That was close. P.1

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Ugh, I hate this. It's so loud. So fucking loud. I want it to stop. Please go away.

"WE HAVE 8 MINUTES AND 37 SECONDS LEFT!" Logan glanced at the timer on his watch:


"GUYS, HURRY UP!" yelled Ashlyn as they got chased by a phantom.


"WE ARE CLOSE, IT'S JUST UP AHEAD." Ashlyn shouted; she looked back and saw the phantom at least 2 meters away from Taylor and Logan, who were at the back of the group. She turned back around aggressively and continued to run.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Don't stop running, no matter what.

Ashlyn's mind was a mess. Her mind was mindless people walking by in a crowded and limited space; some walking towards you, some walking behind you etc. in a random and unpredictable pattern whilst trying to track down a criminal with a mountain of thoughts in your head –all screaming at you to find the criminal. Regardless, she kept running desperately. She would not be surprised if her legs gave up on her, but her mind was not giving up on her. She had to be alive for the sake of her friends. She had to lead them to safety.

"THE GRAVEYARD! I CAN SEE IT!" Aiden pointed.

"HURRY!!" yelled Ashlyn for the second time.

Ashlyn led the whole group into her backyard filled with abandoned school buses, some buses stacking on top of each other –there were about 30 school buses in her backyard. All the buses were covered in rust, and they were all over the place, as if someone just drove the bus in and did not bother to park it properly. There was also another noticeable thing in the graveyard: there were wheels, random boxes and other random things everywhere. 

"Yo, Tyler. Let's make a bet. If I reach the gate before you,  you owe me a chocolate milk drink." whispered Aiden to Tyler's ear. 

They were approximately 400 meters away from the gate.

"What?" Tyler stared at Aiden for the ridiculous idea.

"STARTS NOW!" Aiden shouted. He smiled with a crazy yet determined look in his eyes. 

Ashlyn rushed through the gate; she stood by the wall with the button to close the gate with one of her arms stretched towards the wall and the other on her knee, absolutely exhausted after almost running for 10 minutes straight whilst getting chased by a phantom.

As she panted, she shouted, "QUICK!"

Just then, Aiden used his last bit of energy to sprint to the gate, smiling and breathing heavily at the same time as he rushed past the gate along with Tyler beside him; Aiden arrived in the gate one foot before Tyler. Ben, Logan, and Taylor later caught up after them. The phantom was closer than ever before, less than 2 meters away from the gate.

"PRESS IT NOW!!" yelled Taylor after she was inside the graveyard with the rest of them.

 Ashlyn smashed the button with the arm on her knee. The phantom dashed to the half-closed gate; the phantom's face enlarged to a highly graphic and rendered image where you could see all of its features -4k quality- before the gate shut down fully. With a loud bang, the phantom crashed into the gate. The whole group's faces were full of fear and desperation, and they relaxed only after the gate fully closed. They somehow managed to outrun the phantom.

Aiden collapsed and completely had his face buried on the floor. Ashlyn was still using the wall as a support to not fall. Tyler was somehow still standing but just breathing heavily. Taylor sat on the floor with her hands behind her back, legs spread, and head looking at the crimson red sky as if she were at the beach; she was the only one panting extremely loudly to the point you could hear her breathing ins and outs. Ben has one of his hands on his knees and one on his forehead trying to remove his sweat. Logan had both hands on his knees and was facing the floor, also breathing heavily with the rest of the group.

The group was all quiet and only heavy breathing could be constantly heard.

That was super close.

"Haha... that was fun." Aiden finally broke the silence, "Tyler, I win. You owe me a chocolate milk drink" he sat up and continued.

"Shut up, psychopath. And, no I don't because I won." Tyler sulked.

"W-wait, you two... made a bet on who would reach the gate the fastest? In a life or death situation?" Logan stuttered as he was amazed and shocked at the same time by their behaviour.

"Yikes, I do not want to be chased by another phantom again." murmured Taylor as Tyler and Aiden were arguing on who truly was the winner. Taylor noticed Ben nodding when she looked up towards the sky and saw Ben looking down at her, nodding. Taylor smiled warmly, happy that everyone was safe.

"Guys let's go to that bus. I am sure it is more comfortable than standing or sitting on the floor; they've got seats" Ashlyn ignored their weird behaviour and pointed towards the bus that had its back blocked by another bus, and above there is another bus stacked above.

The group begun walking towards the bus Ashlyn pointed at. Tyler and Aiden were still arguing on who won the bet. Tyler suddenly punched Aiden in the face, but Aiden dodged it by leaning backwards and, straight afterwards, laughed maniacally. Tyler kept hitting him and Aiden dodged with ease as if Tyler was a robot coded to punch specific places and Aiden avoided the punches through muscle memory and experience, snickering at its attempts to hit him. Logan tried to stop them but got ignored, Taylor was too busy laughing to care, and Ben just stood watching and gave a smile. Ashlyn was at the back of the group, slowly walking and one of her hands on her chin –wondering about something; her mind was clearer than before –I guess because she is not being chased anymore. However, she had a bad feeling about something, but she couldn't figure out what.

Am I getting a bad feeling because of the phantom? No way, no human can climb a 4-6-meter-tall wall for sure.


(1 out of 3)

1053 words

I had fun writing this; I hope you had fun reading this. I'm sorry if it was bad, it's my first time writing a one shot/story.

Thank you for reading. 

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