"Dangerous and forbidden."

373 8 2

I'm sorry that part 10 was very delayed



- this might be a short one

She shot him a glare, as she had determination in her eyes. Zurayeh tried to maneuver her knee between his legs, aiming to gain leverage. But keeping up with his strength was tough, and she struggled to match the force with her crysknife.

His unrelenting gaze annoyed her. She resented how much he seemed to enjoy their struggle, feeling like prey to his predator.
With him still pinning her down, she grunted in frustration.

"You're not...trying to fight me, you're just toying with me," she grunted out, pushing the blade closer to his face to assert some control.

He stared coldly, allowing her to seize the upper hand as he seemed to drift off in her eyes. She was taken aback by his sudden complacency as she moved closer to his face. But in a swift motion, he withdrew his blade just as hers came dangerously close, nicking a tiny area of his cheekbone. She exhaled heavily, her heart pounding, as he stared back at her, a faint smirk playing on his lips as blood trickled down his cheek.

Feyd Rautha was glancing at her now, he grunted as she swiftly pushed him off with her knee between his legs. He stood up quickly, and she mirrored his movement, both of them rising with their blades pointed at each other.

"Do you always offer your opponent a chance, especially if they're Fremen?" she questioned, narrowing her eyes.

There was a tense silence as they continued to hold their blades at each other. As the moments stretched on, she decided to take action, charging at him with her blade poised for attack.

As Zurayeh charged, he swiftly grabbed her wrist, pinning it to the wall and forcing her to drop the crysknife. She struggled against his hold, but kept her other hand still.

"The reason you're still breathing is because you're going to help us track down the Sietch Tabr," he stated firmly, his blade now at her throat.

"What do you mean?" she asked, realizing the situation was more complex than a mere duel.

"You heard me," he snapped, his eyes glinting with malice. She remained silent, not daring to move her free hand as he leaned closer, his towering figure casting a shadow over her

It's a lie. The Harkonnens are clever enough to track it themselves. Why deceive me?


"You aren't making any sense," she retorted, frustration evident in her tone as he drew closer. "I know your men are capable of tracking it without my help."

He remained silent, his cold stare piercing into her.

"Well, answer me!" she demanded, irritation creeping into her voice. "I can't read your mind either!"

"You wouldn't want to read my mind, Zurayeh," he replied, his mention of her name sending a shiver down her spine as his cold eyes bore into hers.



"And what exactly is on your mind?" She asked, quietly.

"Thoughts that are too much for you to handle," he murmured softly as he released her wrist, his hand falling away. She lowered her arm slowly, feeling the wall at her back, with him standing just a meter away.


This is dangerous, they both thought to themselves.

"Too much for me to handle?" She lowered her head, avoiding his intense gaze, knowing it could draw her in completely. Her heart raced as he stood so close. She refused to meet his eyes, feeling the hypnotic pull.

He maintained his cold gaze, though it wavered at times. Moving closer to her, he felt a pang of irritation as she avoided his gaze.
"Look at me," he commanded, his tone firm.
But she kept her eyes averted, her resolve unwavering.
He exhaled slowly, then firmly placed his hand under her jaw, turning her head to face him. She let out a quiet grunt of protest as she was forced to meet his gaze. Leaning in closer, his breath warmed her neck before he moved to her face.

Zurayeh could feel Feyd's breath on her lips, almost sensing his lips brushing against hers.

This wasn't supposed to happen



Hey, it's a short one I know, I'm a bit busy these days but I will try to continue<3

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