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Marcelene pov...

"Thank you for flying with us. Have a great day." I nodded at the flight attendant and walked off the plane with my duffel bag and my tiny suitcase in my bag. Yesterday was very sad. I was crying with my whole teammates and school friends.

I'm gonna be gone for five whole months and then go back for graduation. I'm happy that I'm going back. I can't stand this place.

Now, I'm in London. It's fucking gloomy and depressing here whereas in Korea the trees are starting to grow back. Blossom trees, flowers and all of that beautiful stuff. The UK is fucking depressing.

It's miserable.

"Marcelene?" I turn and see a reporter. Oh, "Welcome back to the UK. Do you mind answering some questions for me?" I started seeing a large crowd running towards us. Shit, "Miss Hwang?" I see three big, buff men in black suits.

"Please, come with us. Your father is waiting for you outside with your things." I nod and follow them. One of them takes my suitcase and we walk through the crowd of fans. I never knew that people in the UK even liked me like that.


"Your leng as fuck!" Oh, thank you.

"Marcelene, how was your journey?!"

We got outside and I saw my father putting my bags in the back of the van. Hm. "Mr Hwang?" He turned around and looked at me. "Marcelene." I just nod at him. The guard puts my suitcase in the back and closes the boot.

"Let's go home, your mother has prepared your dinner." I nod and enter the passenger seat. I put my seatbelt on and then bring out my phone to tell Grandma and Grandpa that I arrived safely.

"How was the flight?" I looked at Dad. "Fine," I answered, looking back at my phone. "Well done." I hummed, sending the text message. "You dyed your hair. It looks good." Why is he trying to make conversation?

"Thanks." This whole ride is going to be long. The airport is an hour and a half away from the house so I'd rather sit in silence. Let me listen to music and sleep. I didn't sleep well especially when a baby was crying the whole time.

Maybe that's why Coach wanted me to fly business instead of economy but I don't care.

Time skip...

I felt a tap on my shoulder making me shrug off their hand. Well, apart from Grandma and Grandpa. I take the hood of my hoodie off my head and then my headphones.

"We're home," Dad says, and he instructs the guards to help with my bags. I get out of the car, moving my hair out of my face. I rest my headphones around my neck and put my crossbody duffel bag over my head.

I close the front door and follow in behind the guards. The house still looks the same. I entered, and it's changed a bit. Pictures are still the same, but the interior has slightly changed. I look at myself in the pictures and see how miserable I look.

My eyes looked dead while forcing that smile. I was never happy in this house and now I'm back. Let's hope I don't end up back to square one.

"Marcelene!" I turned around but someone jumped on top of me. She was squealing. Yep, this is Medora. She looked at me up and down with a huge smile. I forced a small smile, "I missed you so much! Oh my gosh look at you!"

She kissed my cheek.

"You even dyed your hair." she touches my curly hair. She straightened her. "I missed you so much." she hugs me again and I pat her back. "I missed you too," I mumble. "Come, everyone is waiting for you in the dining room."

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