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"You sure took your sweet time in waking up, you clown," he scolded her, and it was then that the ravenette noticed his rigid posture from right next to her.

She was in her room, surrounded by the scents of her family members, but Emmett's was the most potent. Instantly, her memory jogged itself. "How long was I out?"

The boy exhaled through his nose. "Four days, Augustine," he told her, and it caused her to sit upright at lightning speed. "You had no idea how worried we were... how worried I was."

Four days was not normal— shit, even the first time she'd passed out wasn't normal, and that only lasted a few hours. But days? Worry coiled in her gut, but she shook her head when she recalled the more pressing issues at hand. "How's Bella? The wolves; they haven't attacked yet, have they?"

Emmett didn't let any emotion cross his face, then. "They didn't get close to her," he told her, and that was truthfully. "She had the baby— she's downstairs with Rose."

A small, hint of a smile rose onto her face. "It's a girl?" she asked, but the jerky nod she received from Emmett was what told her something was wrong. "Spit it out Em, what happened?"

Then, Emmett jumped into the story of how while she was out cold, the wolves had indeed attacked but were fended off thanks to Jacob. And when Augustine asked why they all backed off against one shifter, her mouth dropped at her brother's answer.

Bella's demon spawn was Jacob's Imprint; and that was a sentence she sure as hell didn't expect to hear. Ever. She would be surprised if Edward hadn't killed Jacob for imprinting on his newborn daughter. And on top of all that, Bella was in the process of transformation because the baby did in fact kill her. Augustine bit her tongue to prevent the I told her so from escaping her.

"Meanwhile, Carlisle's got no damn clue about your mysterious unconsciousness," and yeah, Augustine could tell that he was the most upset about that factor.

A grimace took over her face. "Now that you mention it..."

"Don't tell me Alec knows something about this, too," he growled out, overly enunciating the Volturi boy's name in spite.

Augustine shook her head. "It's happened before," she rushed out, and was quick to add a follow up of, "but I wanna ask him if he would know anything and whether he—"

"Hold up, I'm so sorry," he cut her off with a chuckle, though there was no amusement in it. "You've passed out because of your abilities before?"

"Yes— but only for like three hours, tops!" she tried reassuring him, but the moment he stood up and began to pace, her reassurances fell on deaf ears. "And it was after I manipulated my own matter, so that's probably why, I swear!"

Emmett looked at her like she had just grown another head, eyes crinkled as he stared. "You're kidding," he said. "I need to keep you in a bubble or something... I'm sure loverboy would agree."

𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐑, paul lahote ✓Where stories live. Discover now