Chapter 2: Go!

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Brian was drilled by Dez as soon as he walked through the door at 3 in the morning, and before he could even open his mouth Dez was on him so fast he saw Letty attitude come out of him. He almost laughed when his syn started talking to him like that. He calmed the other down by talking about what happened. 

Dez and Villie were worried about going back in to live with people well their мама works undercover again. Dez didn't care about not being in harm's way. He ran back to Brian and jumped on him when he went to drop them off. 

“Ni mamo, budʹ laska. YA ne khochu robyty tse znovu. Shcho, yakshcho vony znovu zaberutʹ nas u vas? Padre isn't here to save us this time.” Dez cries out and Villie starts to tear up. He doesn't want to leave his мама again. He can’t have that happen again. 

“Мама! Мама ni, ne ydy.” Villie cried, trying to run back to Brian. Brian had to put Dez and Villie back into the house and the foster father, Shawn Fall, is an alpha, but the omega, Erica Fall, is the leader of the house. That brings some comfort to him. He looks at Shawn and sighs, “Look, Dez is very protective of his younger brother. Villie is very attached to me and Dez. They also speak Ukrainian when they get upset like you just saw, you can ask them to try and speak English. If they can't just wait until they are calm.”

Shawn nods, listening, “Yes I understand, I get it.”

Brian takes a breath before nodding, “I also won't be in contact with them, so just let Dez handle Villie’s melt but if Dez starts melting down just wait until he is down or he comes to you or Erica.”

Shawn nods again, “Brian, we got this okay.”

Brian leaves before he changes his mind and goes into that house and grabs his pups. 

Tracking Roman down was easy, even when the other didn't want to be found Brian always found him. He told Markham that if they tried to track him down he would run.

That’s why Brian and Bilkins are sitting at the derby watching Roman drive, the smell of the alpha takes Brian back to younger times. He and Roman raised hell together. It wasn't just Roman and Brian it was RomanandBrian. They did everything together, they were raised together, got in trouble together, went down together, fought together, ran together, they raised Dez. They were connected at the hip. 

Everyone was saying that they were mates, even Nana. They did mess around a bit when they were teenagers, kissed, made out, blow jobs, hand jobs, and sex even. There was nothing emotional with one another. They had to stop messing around to save their friendship, which Brian still messed up in Roman's eyes. Roman was the only alpha before Dom that he ever felt comfortable around. Roman never controlled him or used his voice on him. 

“¡Y gana el número 68, Roman Pearce!” fills the speaker, Roman is smiling as he gets out of the car, looking around the people. His eyes land on Brian, who is smiling nervously at the alpha. Roman glares at Brian before walking away. Brian gets up and looks down at Bilkins moving his head to have the other fallow.

Bilkins gets up and follows him, Bilkins right behind him. Once they get out of the stands and into the parking lot, Brian turns to Bilkins and says, “Yo, whatever happens, let it go.”

Bilkins holds up his hands, “I’m not in it.”

“Yo Pearce!” Brian yells to Roman, not turning around, ignoring the blonde, “Roman Pearce!”

Brian sighs knowing that Roman is gonna react badly to this. He prepares himself for a fight, runs his hand through his blonde hair, and sighs, “Yo, Rome!”

Roman stops at those words, right in his tracks. Brian watches his shoulders flex like he always does before a fight. He turns around to face the blonde, anger rolling off the alpha, it makes Brian's nose crinkle. Roman makes eye contact with the blue-eyed omega, “Only my homeboys call me Rome, Pig!”

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