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Name:Y/n L/n


Powers:Super strenght, invulnerability, super speed, super reflexes, know a bit of magic and a lot will ccome later

Magic ability:Magic tuning. You can absorb the magic of all attacks your receive making you immune to magic damage and you can use the magic absorbed to throw other spells or use it to upgrade your strenght

Sacred treasor:Martial

Also for the one who know that this story is a new version you can skip to the next chapter but for the new readers just know that this story was at firat my very first banger who got 100k read but i deleted it cuz it got so much shit i started ha...

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Also for the one who know that this story is a new version you can skip to the next chapter but for the new readers just know that this story was at firat my very first banger who got 100k read but i deleted it cuz it got so much shit i started hating it. So this story is gonna be my top priority to at least finish the first season. If you like it do not hesitate to like the chapter as it give me hope that i do a good job. Thank you for your time

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