Truth or Dare

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Anti was only looking forward to game night for the promise of maybe screwing someone over and not getting yelled at for it.

The Septics just arrived, popping in front of the Iplier house.

Jameson ran up ahead of them to knock on the door, excited. He always loved game night more than the others.

He was practically bouncing in place, waiting for someone to answer the door.

Luckily, they were quick about it and Yandere answered, looking just as excited.


Chase rolled his eyes, "Marvin kept checking his makeup"

"Hey!" the magician took offense to that, "You can be mad all you want but I know I look good"

Anti shoved his way inside past Yandere while the others followed inside more politely.

He saw Google and nodded to him, "Hey, everyone ready? Do you know what we're doing tonight?"

Google smiled but it was almost sinister, "More Ipliers are in the Living room. Apparently it was Eric's turn to choose the game for tonight and he chose Truth or Dare"

Anti fist pumped, "FUCK yeah! I LOVE that game! I'm gonna dare all you bastards to do some weird fucking shit"

Henrik overheard them and cringed, "Ugh. . . . you know people can just choose Truth instead, correct?"

Anti chuckled, giving the doctor his insane grin, "Oh yeah . . ..there's a lot of things I can ask, too. A lot of. . . embarrassing things"

Henrik just rolled his eyes, already walking off to the living room.

Sean had come with them and was just shaking his head at Anti, "Please behave tonight. Last time we played pictionary and you just kept drawing dicks and boobs all over the board"

Anti shrugged, "Can't really draw anything else"

When they all reached the living room, the Septics took seats on the floor along with the Ipliers. They scattered around their friends, sitting next to the ones they wanted. Anti sat next to Dark but not because they were friends. . . .but because Anti just loved to annoy him.

Then Chase sat next to Bing, Sean was by Mark, Marvin was next to Host, Henrik sat by Dr. Iplier and then Jameson sat by Wilford. Jackie wanted to sit by Silver Shepherd but Yandere begged him to sit by them so he relented.

Dark sighed and cleared his throat, "Alright . . . so it was Eric's turn to pick the game this time and he chose Truth or Dare. I assume everyone knows how that works. However, I know how a lot of you can be so I'm going to allow one free pass to everyone. If you get a truth or dare you don't want to do, you are allowed to pass but you only get one so choose wisely. Got it?"

Mark snorted, 'Can you sound any less excited?"

Dark just glared at him.

Mark coughed a little and held up an empty gatorade bottle, "I just chugged this so we're using this to decide who lands on who"

"You're gonna need to pee so bad in the middle of it all" Sean commented.

"That's a risk I'm willing to take"

Sean just laughed.

Mark took the bottle and spun.

And oddly enough, it landed on Dark.

Mark grinned at him, "Truth or Dare, buddy"

"Don't call me that . . . . . truth"

Mark clapped his hands, "What is. . . your worst habit?"

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